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I wake to the metal doors of my room creaking open. Light flooding the room as a tall figure slips through the door.

"Who are you?" I try rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Artemis? Is that really you?!" Before I can answer him, he is on top of me. Hugging me? "Oh we were so worried. Are you alright?"

He hugs me tighter. "I'm ok... Um do I know you?" The boy pulls away from the hug with a confused, almost pained face.

"Artemis? What did they do to you?"I raise my hand, placing it on the bump on my head. He cautiously takes his hand running it over the bump, I wince when he presses to hard. "Sorry." He pulls back his hand and makes eye contact with me. "Artemis do you know my name?"

I slowly shake my head, his eyes growing darker from my answer.

"Do you know your name?" My name? I should know it but for some reason I don't. It's the weirdest thing, everyone around me knows who I am, but I have no clue. I shake my head again. Immediately putting his head in his hands. I awkwardly wait here, watching him, not knowing what to do. Then he lifts his head and speaks with shiny eyes, "I can tell you all about you. I'll make you remember... um where do I begin?"

Behind him the door swings open, banging against the wall making me cover my ears to mask the sound. The boy stands up in front of me. "What do you want with her?" The men don't answer as they grab the boy, pulling him towards the door, "WHAT THE HELL ARE TOU DOING?! He said I could talk to her! Stop... STOP! Artemis!"

In a matter of seconds the boy vanishes behind the door. I'm all alone again.

I'm so confused and annoyed. Everyone here knows me, but yet I don't even know my own name. How is that possible? I want to know what that boy was going to say to me. What he was going to tell me about me. Why did they take him away?

I hear the door click open again. I look up, thinking it's the boy, but it's the other man. The leader.

"Hello how are you feeling?" The mans voice is kind and sweet which seems wrong with his appearance.

"I'm ok, really confused and..." My stomach rumbles making the leader laugh and putting a slight smile on my face. He reaches out a hand to me.

"Come on, I will get you some food." I hesitantly take his hand and stand up next to him. Covering myself with the blanket, I must have shifted into my wolf before, since I'm naked. "Oh, um... I will have someone give you clothes."

"Thanks." Him and I walk hand in hand out of my cell and through hallways. It's kind of dimly lighted here with no windows. Without even realizing I was talking I ask the man,"what's your name?"

He chuckles, "Cain." Hmm...Cain... When I hear that name, something runs through me. Fear? Confusion? Desire? I don't know. "And yours is Artemis." I peer up at him.

"Artemis?" I say it a couple of times, allowing it to sink in. "Artemis... I like it." I smile up at Cain, he chuckles as we turn another corner.

"Here's a bathroom, clothes are already laid out, you make take a shower if you'd like then when your ready we may eat." I walk towards the door, letting go of his hand as I reach the gold knob. I turn back to him and nod my head in thanks. He bows and disappears down the hall. Once he's gone I begin to massage my aching hand. It's not that he pulled on it so hard, it just aches, I don't know why.

I then open the door, squinting from the bright lights. It's a gorgeous deep red and gold bathroom, modern and sophisticated. I feel like a princess.

I turn the shower on, setting it to cold. I've always loved cold showers... Weird I remember that almost as if it was an instinct but not my name.

I drop the blanket stepping into the shower. The cold, icy water feels amazing on my warm back. I run my face through the water, savoring every drop of the ice that hits my body.

I don't know how long I was in the shower for but it was at least a half an hour. I step out, wrapped in a blood red towel. I notice a stack of clothing to my right on the counter. I feel the soft fabric with my fingers and smile. I quickly shimmy into my clothes, a sports bra, black t-shirt, and a pair of jean shorts. I find a hair band in one of the drawers and put it in my wet hair to keep it out of my face.

I open the door and peer out. The hallways empty. I open the door more and step out, the dark hardwood floors feeling cold under my feet.

"All clean?" I turn and see Cain leaning against the wall. His muscles bulging from his tight red v- neck.

"Yup" I smile and he motions with his head to follow him as he turns the corner. I jog over to him our hands brushing past each other. "Oh sorry."

Cain gives me a small smile and wink. Then he turns into a double door walkway. A huge room, lite with candles everywhere opens up in front of me. A whole spread of food is served. We walk closer to the table and Cain pulls out a seat for me. "Thanks." I sit and he pushes me in, closer to the food.

I marvel at the selection: chicken, broccoli, steak, mash potatoes, asparagus, corn, anything you can imagine, it's pretty much here.

Without even realizing I start grabbing food, piling my plate. I have a mountain covering the fine china by the time I realize Cain is watching me with a smile. "What?"

"Nothing, you just amaze me. I've never seen a girl stack her plate like that in front of me." Is that suppose to be an insult? Or a compliment?, "I like it."

Compliment. I smile and finish taking my food. I begin eating. Everything taste delicious. Cooked to perfection, I'm in food heaven.

"So how was your shower?" I look up from my food, across the table at Cain.

"It was really nice, thanks. Your bathroom is really pretty." He nods.

"Thank you." I smile. "Um, may I ask who was that boy who came into my room?"

Cain's face turns slightly. "He is a colleague of mine. Does some work for me now and then. I'm sorry if he scared you."

"Oh no no he was fine. He just seemed to know me very well and I just... I want to know more about me. It's weird being in a body that you don't know anything about." Cain's eyes meet mine.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I..." Before he could finish, he was interrupted by a man running into the room.

"Alpha, sir, a scout has entered our territory from Orion's pack." Cain grows stiff under the mans words. His eyes turn colors slowly fading darker.

"Sweetheart, if you'd excuse me." I nod to him, and he walks out. Alone again...


If you are a loner like me... Don't worry just keep reading more love wolf stories it will help

If you have somebody well... What the hell are you doing here?!

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