Bad Luna

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Hands crowd around me but I don't care... My friends got away. The men begin dragging me to the house, one holding his balls and whimpering. All I can do is smile.

They push me through the doors of the mansion and lead me to Orion's room. The door opens and I'm shoved in.

"Hey!" I trip over the dress and stumble but catch myself on the bed. I turn as the door shuts.

Orion's tall figure lurks in the shadows but I can faintly make out his face in the moonlight... Well lets just say he's not smiling.

The silence is killing me, so I decide to speak first. "Orion, listen... You said it yourself they wouldn't live. I could not sit by and let my friends die."

Hearing him growl at my words sent my wolf cowering back, but my human stood firm. This is the first she has ever cowered and I hope it does not become a habit for hers being with Orion.

"You completely disobeyed my orders and disrespected me, as well as your pack."

"It's not my pack! I belong to no one nor do I control anyone!" I snap at him. He steps from the shadows, revealing his fully black eyes.

"It is now. You are the Luna of this pack." His words were firm and his tone unchanging. "Now go to bed."

"Excuse me?" Did he just tell me to go to bed??

"Your a werewolf, yes? You heard me clearly." His words spat at me like he was disgusted with me. If he hates me so much then why doesn't he reject me?

"No I heard you, but I'm no child and you cannot boss me around." I crossed my arms over my chest and stood my ground.

"Wrong answer." With that he grabbed me, hoisting me onto his shoulder. I thrash and scream, clawing at his back. He drops me on the bed and then I feel it.

Cold, sharp pain around my wrist. I look over. He put a silver chain on my wrist!

"Sleep tight." He pecks my cheek, gets up and leaves the room. I just sit there in shock. That ass!

Well I mean I can't blame him, but still... A silver chains. I try and sliver my hand from the cuff but it burns.

"Orion! ORION!" I stop and listen for somebody. "Bitch!"

He is actually leaving me here like this. Oh he is going to get it the next time I see him.

Not realizing it I tried pulling my hand again and the silver burned right into my skin, making me light headed.

"Ok not doing that again..." I sigh, taking a deep breath. "Well this sucks."

I turn and try and get comfy. Desperately trying not to move my wrist in the chain, every time new skin touches the cold silver it sends shots of ice through my arm.

My arm feels like it's going numb since the blood is working harder to flow up, so the pain is subsiding. I take a deep breath and try and concentrate on sleep. Ill deal with things in the morning.

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