Good Mornig Luna!

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I shut my eyes quickly as the shades open, flooding the room with bright light from the morning sun.

"Good Morning Luna! I'm sorry if I waked you but Alpha's orders. He wants you at breakfast in ten minutes."

I turn into my pillow stuffing my face further, ignoring the overly peppy girl. I groan as she clicks open the cuff... Wait the cuff is open!

I yank my arm from it and fall back, sliding off the bed and once again hitting my bum on the floor.

"Luna are you alright!" The girl rushes to my aid.

"I'm fine." I look at the girl, she looks older then me but not by much. She has red hair and bright green eyes.

"I'm Lisa." She extends a hand out to me and I take it in mine.

"Artemis." She helps me stand up. I just realized I'm still in my dress and heels. Oh my feet are going to be covered in blisters... Ugh

"Artemis... Interesting name." She starts making the bed as i slip off my heels. I was right, i have about ten blisters on each foot. "Oh, here let me get you something more comfortable to wear." She disappears into another room. I follow her in.

Clothing everywhere! A full room as big as our foldable pack house and filled with clothes. All men's clothes but still full of clothes!

"Um what size shoe are you?" I hear Lisa but I don't see here, she must be further in the closet.

"Um 11... Lisa where are you?" I search through the lines of dress shirts and suits in different colors and patterns. Orion would look amazing in a dark red button down to compliment his.... Artemis! What the hell!? Control yourself!

"I'm over here." I follow her voice to a small corner where the clothing could be for both men and women. Probably for when he shifts and needs clothes. Then I look to my right, a whole wall dedicated to shoes, indicated sizes on the shelves. "11 huh? Big feet..."

I turned to Lisa, she's just smiling. She hands me a black v-neck t-shirt and a pair of navy blue jean shorts with a pair of red flip flops. Lisa looks at her watch.

"You have five minutes to get changed and get down there or it's my head." She leaves me in the closet to change. I peer at the clothes, I don't want to go to breakfast and be at his beckon call but I'm hungry and I don't want to get Lisa in trouble. She seems really cool.

I start getting dressed and notice my wrist. It's bright red from the cuff and is bleeding in certain areas, but it's healing slowly. I swear I'm gunna give him hell for that.

I pull the dress off and slide the black T over my head. The fabric passes my nose and that's when it hits me. The intoxicating smell of pine and... vanilla. It smells so...

"Artemis! You have two minutes!" Lisa stopped me in mid smell.

"Ok!" I'm going, I'm going...

Lisa escorts me through hallway after hallway, leading me to breakfast. I hear yelling coming from up ahead. One of the voices I recognize as Orion, his voice shaking the walls. Lisa in front of me cowards back and slows her steps.

"Hey Lisa, ill take it from here." I give a small reassuring smile. She nods and points in the right direction. "Thanks."

She gave me one last nod and disappeared down the dimly lite hallway. I turned and continued towards the yelling.

"DO NOT TELL ME HOW TO DEAL WITH MY MATE!" I walk in just as Orion slams his fist into the table, knocking over a glass, which shatters on the floor.

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