Through Brown and Green

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I wake to the sound of a constant beeping. It's annoying. I open my eyes, everything is blurry at first but then I focus on Orion. He is standing over me smiling.

"Oh my Artemis you scared me. How are you feeling?" I smile back as he rubs my cheek with his hand. The touch of his skin sends a warmth through my body that I have missed so much.

"I'm ok. What happened?" My voice is cracking from thirst. Orion hands me a small cup of water and I gratefully take it. The cold water burns my dry throat at first but then the burning fades. He takes the cup and sits next to me on the bed. I try siting up, my back aches but it's bearable. "So what happened?"

Orion looked at his hand. "You had the babies." Wait babies? I remember I had..

"Twins." I whisper.

"Yes. A boy and a girl. You passed out." He takes my hand in his. I must have really scared him.

"I'm sorry if I scared you." I moved my face closer to his and gave him a small kiss. "I need to talk to you, about the babies."

"Oh yes would you like to see them?" Before I could say anything Orion told the doctor to bring them in.

The boy is big for a newborn. He's wrapped in a deep blue blanket. The doctor places him into my arms. He's very heavy which makes me smile. His eyes are closed but slowly open. He's so cute it almost makes me forget... Just as his eyes open I see the same eyes of Cain. The dark orbs of brown that stare back at me are Cain's. I know it.

"Luna is something wrong?" I look up at the doctor, he holds the girl.

"No nothing. I think he should take a nap he looks tired." The doctor takes the boy and hands me the girl wrapped in a soft red fabric. The doctor walks out of the room with the boy. I need to tell Orion. "Orion can I talk to you please?"

"Yea sure what is it?" Just as I'm about to speak I feel the girl squirm in my arms, forcing me to look at her. She is beautiful. She already has deep brown hair like mine on her head. Her eyes stare up at me full of life. Bright green, just like me... She must be mine. Not Cain's. She must have been a mistake he must have made two by accident. She can't be like him. She's too... Me.

"Doesn't she look just like you? It's amazing."

All I can do is smile. I feel a tear slide down my face. I'm so happy. I've been dreading having the child, terrified. But she is mine. All I need to do is explain it to Orion, pray that he understands, and figure out some way to destroy Cain.

"Should I leave you?" I look up from the girl to Orion. His eyes are darker, is he mad? "You know ill just go."

"No!" He gives me a confused look. "I..I mean I want you to stay. Please."

"Ok" He lies next to me on the bed as I hold my girl in my arms. She's mine. The boy is not. I just have to explain this to Orion and it will be all sorted out. Yea ... It will be fine. I'm sure of it.




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