I'm im trouble.

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I immediately get up and follow Orion out the door.

"Artemis get back in the room." He doesn't even turn around, he just keeps looking ahead.

"No." I push my feet to go faster to match with his long strides. He turns around to me, fully stopping, making me trip and bump into his rock hard chest.

"You will go back to the room and stay there until I come get you. Now go." He was obviously using his Alpha tone with me, trying to make me obey him. Only problem is with that, I haven't obeyed an Alpha in years, why should I start now?

I smile and walk around him. He stands, in what I'm guessing was shock, for a minute. Then he catches up to me as I near the intersection of four hallways. God this place is a maze.

"You may come." His words are low, if I wasn't a werewolf with advanced hearing, there is no way I would have heard that. I nod my head and he continues walking.

We turn right, then left, then go .... Right? Oh shit I'm so lost! Does he even know where he is....

"We're here." He stops at a door. Placing his hand on the knob, but stops before he turns it open. "Artemis let me be clear. You will not interfere with the ...." What was it? Sentence? Interrogation? What? "Let me rephrase that. You will not interfere. You will stand quietly and not speak a word unless I speak to you. If you act on your thoughts, I will have no other choice but to chain you to my bed. Do I make myself clear?"

His eyes are staring into mine. All I can think of is, does he think I'm a puppy or something? I might be part wolf but I'm not some helpless, lost puppy. But if I fight him now I will only worsen my friends fate. I hold my head up high and take a deep breath.

"Crystal." I give him a warm smile, or as warm as I could pretend to be. His gaze lingers, searching for a sign of some sort. But I held my ground.

He swiftly opens the door and we walk in. It's not a sentencing room. Not interrogation room. It's much worse... It's a torture room.

I stare in shock as my friends are chained with silver to the wall, backs towards me. Peter and Dan's shirts are torn off and a layer of sweat coats their strong backs. Alice still has her black tight T-shirt on, but it has a rip right down her spine, exposing her small frame.

There are about ten members from Orion's pack here and I make eye contact with the one who is holding the whip. Caleb.

He gives me the devils smile as he lets the whip untangle on to the floor. I am about to run over there and kick his ass when I am shoved into a chair. Two men, more like buildings, are placed on either side of me. I turn and glare at Orion, but he doesn't meet my gaze.

"I'm going to make this short and sweet. You talk, you don't have your human form whipped till death. You don't talk... Well I'm sure you can figure that part out on your own." Caleb's voice sounded so cruel and vile. He disgusts me in every way.

"Are any of you working with Cain?" Cain? Who's he?

None of my friends answer. Well the answer is obvious, no we aren't. I don't even know who this guy is that they are talking about. I'm cut from my thoughts by the sound of a whip hitting flesh. Peter moans in pain.

I'm not just going to sit here and let my friends get tortured. I shoot up right, hands trying to grab at me but I maneuver through. Caleb slashes his whip at Peter again but it misses him. It hits me.

A burning pain runs from my shoulder down my back. My back heats with the blood rushing out. It will heal quickly but it still hurts.

"Artemis... No" Peter's voice was cracked and weak. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and stood up. I looked around the room, everyone was again staring in shock at me, except Orion.

He was staring at Caleb with a deadly fire in his eyes. Before I or anyone could say a word, Orion attacked Caleb.

"You ass! How dare you hurt her!" I was now in shock. Oh my god. Orion was kicking his brothers ass, throwing punches like a crazy man and all for me.

"Orion, stop it wasn't his fault." My words stopped him in mid punch. He looked up at me with Caleb lying beneath him covered in blood. "I jumped in front of the whip, if you are to take your anger out on someone. Take it out on me."

He just stares at me. Emotions flying through his amber eyes. He stands up, running a hand through his hair, removing it from his eyes. He takes in a deep breath then speaks.

"I will take Artemis to her room. We are done here. I will decide their fate by tomorrow morning. In the mean time everyone go and enjoy the left overs from the party and get some rest."

With that everyone left the room. The two building men took Caleb out, who was unconscious.

"Artemis go to your room." He refused to make eye contact with me.

"But I ..."

"Artemis." I almost jumped at him saying my name. Not only was it scary, it sent chills up my spine. I immediately make my way to the door, stopping and turning to look back.

"Artemis, go ... We'll be fine.... Go." Dan's voice is so cracked, it sounds like each word scratches his throat. I look at Orion, he nods to me to listen to them. I give them one last look as I walk out the door with Orion at my back.



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