Unexpected Guests

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After Orion and Greg ran off I decided to explore the mansion. Might as well give myself a grand tour in the mean time. I exit the training room, roaming the hallways, I think I'm lost... Well what else is new?

I turn a corner and bump into two pack members.

"Luna." They say at the same time. There scents and voices are familiar... I heard these boys the other night, when i was helping my friends escape. They called me stubborn, well... I would have to agree with them.

"Hi... Um where is the garden?" They both look at me with questioning look, "I uh... Need some fresh air and this place is a maze."

The taller one nods and begins walking down the hall. I follow him as the other guy follows behind me.

"So... Whats your names?" Figure I might as well try and get to know them.

The one in front of me, the taller one, speaks first. "I'm John and behind you is Marcus." I turn around to Marcus who smiles at me.

"I'm Artemis." Marcus laughs behind me. I turn to him.

"We all know who you are. You stood up to the Alpha, your like a legend!" I smile at Marcus's comment.

"Marcus." John gives Marcus a stern look and Marcus stops laughing.

"So... How old are you guys?" John grunts but Marcus answers me.

"John is twenty-two. I'm sixteen."

"I'm fifteen, I'm going to be sixteen in.... In... What's the date anyway?"

"September 5th." John grunts with his answer. He doesn't seem that fun or happy.

"Oh I'm October 3rd."

"I'm June 7th. So um... Artemis would you maybe wanna come with John and I ...." Marcus is cut off by John's growl. He immediately stops and bows his head in defeat, I feel bad for him. I turn, giving him a warm smile.

"Maybe another time, right now I just want to relax in the garden. Maybe let my wolf out. It's been days and she's getting cranky." John ignores me, but Marcus smiles at my response. A couple minutes later in silence we made it to the doors leading outside.

I thank them and they leave me outside. I take a deep breathe, it smells so beautiful out here. Assorted flowers fill my noise with their soft scents as I lay on the bed of grass and stare up at the sky.

There are no clouds in the sky and it's cool, but when the sun touches my skin it sends heat waves making the temperature just perfect. Today is such a beautiful day.

I take one last deep breathe and shift into my gorgeous black wolf. The really interesting thing about my wolf is that at night when the moonlight touches my fur, it shines a deep purple. It's extremely rare and I'm the only one from old pack that had it. I miss them.

I stand up in my wolf form and stretch, bones cracking and muscles moving. I take a deep breath and look a around the garden. I see a dirt path leading around some trees and dart over to it. I run faster and faster, running off path, flying through trees. I feel free...

"You look good in wolf form Luna." I immediately stop, almost banging into an old oak. I look around, who said that?

I raise my nose in the air and take a long sniff... Nothing. Maybe I'm just imagining things. I prepare myself to run when I hear footsteps break twigs and crunch leaves.

I see to my right a cloaked figure, covered in black. I can't see the persons face but I'm guessing it's a man from his size alone. He stands three times my size, probably six foot five ... At least. My wolf growls at this unknown intruder.

"Sweetheart, it's not nice to growl at people. It can be very rude." Definitely a male. My wolf growls even more, hairs standing up on the back of our neck. "Darling why don't you shift back and we can talk." He gives me a sly grin.

Hell no am I shifting! I would be naked in front if a stranger and completely vulnerable. I growl and begin circling him.

I can't tell if he is a werewolf or not... He doesn't smell like one but he doesn't smell like a human either.

"Do I have to ask you again?" I show my sharp white teeth giving him a firm answer of no I'm not shifting. "I'll take that as a no then." He nods behind me, before I can turn a cold piece of metal hits my head making my vision blur.

The last thing I see is the sunlight shinning through the trees and black footsteps approaching me.

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