My Wedding Day

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Today's the day. You think a girl would be happy on her wedding day, nervous even. Im not. All i feel is saddness.

Three weeks ago the news came in that Peter was killed during the attack on Cain's hide out. He was working with him. The original steal we were going to make from Orion was for Cain, to weaken Orion and then take his land. Orion's land would then go to Cain and Cain's old land would become my old packs new home. I mean there is some happiness in that now the rogues pack is allowed to join Orion's pack, but it will be empty without Peter.

Dan made it out alive during the attack. He was protecting Alice. She didn't make it, she had injuries from when she got captured by Orion's men that no Pack Doctor could fix. After she was gone Dan came back and told me everything. I didn't want to cry in front of him but... it just hapened. He gave me a hug and i thought i saw tears in his eyes, but he wiped them away. After that he ran off, he didn't want to join Orion's pack, it was just too painful. That was the last time i heard from him... i really miss him though.

"Hey Artemis?" I turn around to see Allison, Peter's mom, walking into my room. When I told her of Peter's death she didn't say a word, she just walked into her room. She stayed in there for almost four days without any contact with anyone. She has slowly been coming back, but you can tell its hard on her. The lines carved into her forehead and the lack of light in her eyes show her pain.

"Hi Allison. What's up?" She moved closer to me so she was standing right in front of me. She grabbed my hand in hers.

"Artemis, I wanted to know if i could walk you down the aisle. i know im not your mother, but i thought..." i stopped her, seeing how much she was struggling with her words.

"Allison, I would be honored. Your the closest thing I have to a mother and its the least i can do for taking me in when my mother died." I gave her a small smile. When she registered what i had said she gave me a bright big smile. Some of the pain in her eyes disappeared.

"Thank you. Well I'll leave you alone now." she gave my hand a squeeze and walked out. Her light blue dress almost getting caught in the door as she closed it. I laugh a little and turn back to the mirror.

My dress is white with a black lace ribbon around my hips. The white fabric falls down past my ankles, just missing the floor with my shoes on. I'm wearing my mother's black satan shoes, i wanted a part of her here with me today, no matter how small. A tight sweatheart rims my chests, showing my shoulder bones when i move. My hair is up with its natural curls falling out the back. A veil sits on my head, drapping down my bare back and down the length of my dress. I look at my hand, Orion's ring sits there in all its beauty. A gold ring painted to look silver covered in tiny diamonds that surround a black diamond. He wanted my ring to be special and unique like our love. So cheesy, but so...

"Well don't you look beautiful." The voice of the person that only i can hear and have heard for the past weeks.

"Cain what do you want?" I turn and see his faded form is hiding in the shadows of my room.

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to talk. Why do you always think i want something from you? Can't we just have a nice chat?" He gives a cocky smile, that makes me want to barf.

"Cain, we both know that's not why your here. Now tell me what do you want." He chuckles a hard chuckle that makes my head ache with a dull pain.

"There's no getting past you darling. I wanted to warn you, the child you are pregnant with it's not yours it's mine."

"Im not pregnant, Orion and I haven't done it yet. That's impossible." He wanted to wait till we were married and when I was ready.

"See there is where you are wrong. You are pregnant, but not with Orion's child. With mine."

"Wait what?! You arrogant bastard!" I storm over to him and punch, but all i hit is the wall. I cry in pain and hold my fist, falling to the ground. There is surely a whole in the wall now. I look at my fist, its bleeding. I take a towel from my shower off a chair and wrap my hand so none drips on my dress.

"Awww Baby, punching walls won't fix anything." His figure stands over me and all i want to do is claw his eyes out, but how do you hit something that is all in your head.

"We never had sex, so your lying." his form moves down to my level and grabs my chin, making me turn my head. I hate How he can touch me but i can't him, it makes no sense to me.

"Your right we didn't, but since im inside of you, i have control over your body. I could give you a heart attack right now, but i choose not to. The child that is growing inside of you is of my creation and when you give birth i will go with that child. He will be me. If you try and kill the child while im inside of you I will keep you from ever having children. And i can't imagine what will happen if you kill your own child... how will your new pack act? Or Orion? How will he feel when you kill the next alpha? Allison is coming to take you now. Have fun Baby and don't forget to smile."

Cain gives a deep dark chuckle as he fades away. I get a piercing headache and then it's gone, as if nothing happened. But something did happen. I'm pregnant... How do I tell Orion?

"Artemis your ready? What you doing on the floor?" Allison walks into the room. I look at my hand, taking it out of the towel. It's all healed now aside from the bluish tint of bruising.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I smile and she takes my hand, returning a smile. We walk down the hallway making our way to the garden to my wedding.

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