He's Here

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We walk down the hall in silence. Questions keep flying through my mind... Who is my mate? Why does Cain hate him? What happened between them? Do I want to be with Cain? Is my mate even looking for me?...

I am ripped from my thoughts by the sound of thundering footsteps coming from down the hall. Cain and I turn as a group of his men round the corner.

"Alpha he's here and he is not alone. He has an army with him." Cain's eyes turn black immediately. I speak out without realizing.

"Who is here?" The men turn to me giving me confused looks.

A man in front answered me, "Your mate. Orion."

The second those words leave his lips, Cain has him at his throat. He hurls him down the hall, moving with incredible speed. With one snap of his arms he twist his neck. The man beneath him goes limp. He gets up and turns back towards us. The other men stiffen I just stare blankly at the body... Poor boy.

"Take all the wolves. Kill them all but leave Orion for me. Understand." The men nod then run, some shifting into wolves. Before I can protest, Cain grabs my wrist, pulling me away from the boy. Fire shoots through my arm, I feel sweat drip from my brow. I arch my back as pain encircles my body, I scream.

My body feels as if it is being torn into a million little pieces. I drop to the floor screaming out in pain. What is happening to me?

"We have to go" I vaguely hear Cain talking to me, but I can't move. "Artemis! Shit... Screw it!"

I feel his hands grab at my waist to carry me, that's when it hits. A thousand knives stabbing my heart, a million fires burning at my soul, my wolf shrieking out in pain.

I feel my body drop, the pain subsiding slightly, then coming back in full swing. My eyes full with tears or blood, my vision is fading from black to red to....

"Cain." A man's voice echoes through the long hallways. The sound engulfing me. Once the voice hits my ears my eyes shoot open, all the pain vanishing with his voice.

I stand and stare at the figure across the hall. Tall, muscular, but lean. Gorgeous brown long locks that hang just about his heavenly eyes. Chocolate brown, swarming with shades of golds and light cocoa, both focused on me.

I take a step towards the god, then another, one following the next. As I approach him I notice the pale tint to his skin and dark circles under his brown orbs.

"Artemis..." The way he says my name makes my heart take flight. A smile covers his face from ear to ear, showing his pearly white smile. I take my final step, standing only inches away from the boy. "Oh my little archer..."

His hand glides across my cheek, filling me with a warmth. Not a burning warmth but a cozy and comforting warmth... I close my eyes savoring the feeling. How is he doing this to me?

I am pulled from this overwhelming feeling by the growling behind me. I turn and see Cain's eyes completely black, no white. I've never seen any werewolf do that before...

"Your not taking her away from me again Orion!" I feel the man grab my hand, putting himself between Cain and I.

"Cain, she is my mate." Hearing him say that makes my breath catch although Cain growls even louder.

"Not anymore she's mine now... Just ask her. She doesn't even know you." Cain's eyes fall on me, making me shiver. The man turns to me, pain and confusing written on his face. I take a step back.

"I ... I uh..." Cain is by my side in a matter of seconds, gripping my waist.

"See Orion she wants me not you." Cain smiles down at me, but all I can do is stare at the man. Orion. My so called mate.

"But... I... I" I pull away from him and sprint down the hall. I hear them call after me but I keep running. I find a door and run outside. I need fresh air to clear my... my

Growls. Wolves everywhere. Biting at each other's throats and clawing each other's eyes out. Bodies lay everywhere. The stench in the air of blood burning my nose. The blood stained grass under my bare feet feels cold.

I look into the nearby trees, only seeing their outline in the dark moonlight. I turn towards the house seeing the boys running to me, Orion and Cain approaching the door. I sprint into the darkness, ignoring their cries again.

I fly through the trees, my legs burning, my vision blurring from tears. I'm so confused. I don't understand. Why can't I remember? Come on, remember. Artemis remember!

So lost in my thoughts I trip over a root and land hard on the ground. I look around realizing I'm in a meadow, surrounded by light blue flowers that seem to glow in the bright moonlight. I stand and brush off my knees.

"Artemis?" I turn seeing Orion and Cain appearing from the darkness under the trees. Cain moves to my side, trying to grab at my waist again. I move away.

"NO!" I back away, in between the two. "I ... I don't know! I can't choose between two men if I don't even know who I am... I... I" my breathing is shallow and labored. I'm trembling in fear and confusion.

"Artemis." I turn back towards Orion. His eyes enclosing me in their warmth. I take a hesitant step towards him, then another. A slow pull, increasing more and more as I get closer to him. I'm so close to him, I feel the heat radiating off of him. His hand glides across my cheek. "Please come back to me."

Before I can question him, he kisses me. The second his soft lips touch mine it's as if a movie plays on fast forward through my head.

Peter. My old pack. The party. Getting captured. Seeing Orion. The torture room. The escape. Orion's party for me. My run. Cain in the garden. Everything, every detail flooding back.

His lips break from mine. My eyes shoot open. "I remember..."

"What?" Orion's eyes light up with the reflecting of the moon shining in his pupils. A smile crosses my face as I looking into my wonderful mates eyes.

"I remember... Orion I remember!" I wrap my arms around his neck, never wanting to let go. He hugs me tight, lifting me off the ground.

"Oh my Artemis... My Artemis. I missed you so much." I smile and laugh.

"I missed yo..." Before I can finish I feel my hair being tugged back. I am ripped from Orion's arms.

"No! I'm not watching you take my mate away again Orion! She's mine! She loves me!" I cry in pain as Cain pulls me by my hair.

"Cain she is my mate. Yours was killed years ago! Now let Artemis go! Now!"

"No! Artemis is my new mate!" With his words Cain shifts into a giant charcoal grey wolf, throwing me into a tree. When I look up, my vision is dazed, but I see two wolves.

My Orion, his huge wolf with black fur standing in front of deep grey wolf circling each other, readying to attack...

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