The Big Bad Wolf

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"Have you always been a rogue or are you new?" it sounds like every word that leaves his lips is causing him pain. I stand up taller and show im not afriad of him as i answer.

"Most of my life. I was young when we were kicked out of our territory." He chuckled at my response, my wolf began growling at his disrespect for me.

"Well that explains it then." He turns to me, our eyes meeting. His amber eyes burn into my green ones. Well probably black eyes since I'm furious at his lack of respect for me.

"Care to tell me what your talking about?" He takes a step closer to me and I take step back, folding my arms over my chest. He starts chuckling again.

"Well it explains your utter lack of respect for me, as an Alpha, or anyone of higher position then you." He seemed to be laughing with every word, which pissed me off more.

"I don't listen to douche bags like you." Every word was filled with annoyance. His amber eyes began darkening as I continued. "And I don't believe in one person being higher then another. Everyone is equal."

"You need a reality check." He moved closer, taking step after step towards me as I took the same amount of steps back. I hit the cold wall with my back as he slammed his fists on either side of my head, trapping me. "Your a rogue, so are your friends. You are the lowest of the low in ranking of our kind. I am an Alpha, I have the power to kill all of you. Ranking matters sweetheart, whether you like it or not, it matters."

"In your mind, yes it does. In my mind it means jack shit." I crossed my arms over my chest again and smiled in pride of my victory. He can't break me.

"Wrong answer." He grabbed me by my legs, hoisting me over his shoulder. I kick and struggle, smacking his strong back.

"Let me go! Now! I'm not kidding!" I thought my wolf would be pushing a shift, but she was doing the complete opposite. She was purring. What?!

He chuckled as he continued walking thought hallways and rooms. I never let up on my attempts on escaping his grasp through the whole walk, regardless of what my idiot wolf was doing. Finally we stopped at a door, which he opened with one hand, holding me with the other.

Man, he is strong. I mean I'm not fat or anything, I'm actually a good weight for my age and height, but still he must be super ripped for him to be able to hold me with easy. Then my more logical side came into play, he's a werewolf, any werewolf could do that.

We enter the room, he doesn't turn on the light as we continue into the room. He suddenly moves me off his shoulder, throwing me into a soft, comfy, bed.

Bed? Wait... Oh shit. I immediately begin backing up, away from him to the other side. Completely unaware of when the bed ends because I fall right off the edge. Hitting the floor hard with my back.

"Ow." i slowly sit up and rub my lower back. I notice that Orion is watching me. "What?"

He sat on the bed next to where i was on the floor. "What's you name?"

My name? i was taken aback at his question. "Uhhhh..."

"What? Did you forget your name?" He smiled a little. His eyes were shining and looked so playful. Orion's smile was perfect. His white teeth seemed to be shining in the dim lighting from the window.

"No." I stood up and brushed off my dress. "My name is Artemis."

"Like the human's greek goddess?" I nodded.

"My mother named me after her because the goddess was strong and brave. She told me before she died that i am just like her and that i should embrace my name." I sat next to him on the bed.

"Im sorry your mother died." i turned to meet his gaze. His eyes had true sadness, which seemed out of character for him. He takes his hand, gently brushing stray hairs away from my eyes that have fallen out of my bun. His fingers glide over my cheek, making my breathe catch in my throat.

I pull away. No. I have to focus.

"Please don't kill my friends." my voice came out so weak and distorted, i didnt even recognize it as mine. He let out a deep sigh, placing his hand on my lower back, stroking my spine. i almost let out a moan, our skin touching sent flames rushing through my viens.

"I will not kill them." I turned to him. A smile spreading across my face. "For now..." My smile falters slightly, but right now ill take what i can get.

"Thank you." i turn my head and stare at the wall. Everytime i meet his amber eyes, i feel like putty in his hand. The smile fades on my face when i realize that i can only stall the inevitable for my friends.


"What?" i turn to him, questioning what he means by 'Don't'.

"Don't stop smiling. You are to beautiful to be frowning." I couldn't help it, a smile appears on my face again and my cheeks heat up. "Better."

Our eyes lock. His golden brown eyes swirl with playfullness and kindness. It looks so unnatural since he looks so hard and emotionless on the outside. His eyes part from mine and slide down to my lips. My wolf pushes me foward. I lean in and so does he, our lips are only an inch away from each other when he pulls back.

I let a small whimper escape my lips. He gets up, off the bed and makes his way to the door. He stops and turns his head back. "We found one more of your friends."

"Alice..." her name slips my lips. He nods his head and leaves the room.

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