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I fly through the hallways with Orion and Doc on my heel. My heart is pounding in my ears making our roaring steps seem like miles away. Turn after turn I feel as if the house is a maze, constantly moving keeping me from where I want to go. Finally we arrive at the door. It is open only a sliver. We burst in, knocking the door off it's hinges. The girl screams out as I stare down at the worst sight imaginable. My little girl is being strangled by the boy. Cuts run along her delicate tiny arms. The boys eyes gleam with hatred and fire just as Cain's did.

I only take in a breathe before Orion is in wolf form, attacking the boy. I rush to aid my daughter who is sobbing on the floor now. I take her in my arms and she curls into me, clinging to my shirt. She is trembling in fear. I hum to her and rock her, telling her that it is all ok, ignoring the site before me.

My loving mate stands over the small body of the boy, Cain, teeth covered in blood. He is panting, not from exhaustion, but from anger and hate. Every hair is standing up on his wolf form and his eyes are like black holes of darkness.

I stand making my way over to him. I stroke behind his ear, where I know he loves and try and calm him. Eventually his breathing slows and he shifts. The doctor had removed the boy's.... Body and taken him out of the room. It is just Orion, the girl, and I.

It's weird to think that its all over, that my family and I can be happy now... I am upset that we killed the boy but I don't think there was any scenario where he would have come out alive. I just pray my daughter will be ok and that she won't remember or be effected by this in the future.

Coming from the closet, wearing only a pair of pants, emerges my handsome mate. He walks over to me and wraps me in his arms, careful enough not to crush the girl.

"I think I have a name for her." I peer up at my mate with a questioning look.

"After all that, you think of a name." We can't help but smile at how buzzard the situation is. Only minutes ago our daughter was being strangled by a demon baby. "Well what is it?"


"Hmm why Angel?" He smiles and looks down at the girl in my arms. She had stopped sobbing and was just curled into my chest. Orion rubbed her cheek gently with his finger and she tilted her head right to us. Her eyes glowing up at us, as if she wanted to hear his answer too.

"Because she is our little angel. Through everything she has been tough and had an unbreakable attitude. She is a beacon of light and joy in any situation. She went against that little devil of a boy and she is our angel. I don't know it just seems to fit her. Do you like it?"

I look down at our little girl, our little angel. She is smiling. After everything she is smiling. I giggle as in look down at her and can't help but smile too.

"Your right. She is our angel. I love the name. Angel... It's perfect."

"Angel of Dark Shadows.... Has a nice ring to it" Orion smiles down at me and I can't help but smile at him. With everything that has happened with Cain and this pregnancy, I'm still so happy I found Orion. With all of the recent ups and downs I always had Orion to hold me steady. He is my love.

I lean up and kiss his soft lips "I love you Orion of Dark Shadows."

"And I love you Artemis of Dark Shadows... Now and forever."

Robin HoodWhere stories live. Discover now