Party Time

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"Artemis you ready?" I emerge from the bedroom door with the dress and matching heels on. "Oh Artemis, you look perfect." I give her a smile.

"So do you. We clean up well, don't ya think?" Lisa and I giggle as I follow her to the party. She is wearing a short green dress that flows around her body as we walk.

I'm nervous. I mean I am the new Luna. What if they don't like me? What if I say something stupid? I've made speeches before in my old pack but it's different here. Everything so up scale and high class. I just....

My thoughts are stopped once I see the banquet hall completely filled with people. It's full of gorgeous flower arrangements which glow in the light from two huge crystal chandlers.

I look back down from admiring the ceiling and realize I lost Lisa in the crowd. I spin around and around, all I see is unknown faces. Great.

"Looking hot tonight, are we rogue?"Caleb.

"Caleb why don't you go harasses someone else for a change? Or do you have nothing better to do with your pathetic life?" He approaches me holding a glass full of an alcoholic drink of some sort.

"Oh aren't we feisty this evening? Oh your mate is over there." He points to the far side of the room where I find Orion mingling with some other men.

"Thanks." I say coldly to him as I walk off and disappear into the crowd towards my mate.

What feels like a 10 mile hike, I finally make it over to Orion.

"Artemis!" He runs over to me, lifting me in his arms and spinning me around. "You look beautiful! I don't think my eyes have ever seen such an amazing sight." He winks at me, immediately making my cheek fill with color.

"Thanks." He takes my hand, pulling me over to the two men he was talking with before.

"Now Artemis this is Greg my third in command and top fighter and Adam my beta and younger brother."

Both the men shake hands with me. Greg is tall and lean, but extremely fit looking with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. Adam looks kinda like Orion except the eye color. Adam's eyes are a stunning blue while Orion's is the heavenly chocolate I love to melt into.

"It's nice to see my brother finally find his mate, but I was looking forward to teasing him about me finding mine before him." Adam laughed as Orion punched him in the arm.

"Sorry." I giggle, "Who is your mate? I'd love to meet her." I look around the room searching for the maybe-mate of Adam.

"I thought you told me Lisa and her went dress shopping today?" Adam questions Orion. Wait what???

"Lisa is your mate?" He nods and smiles.

"Yup and speaking of Lisa, I'm going to find her before my wolf has a hissy fit. If you'd excuse me." Adam gives one last smile then walks off into the crowd. How could Adam and Orion be so nice when Caleb is an ass? Bad egg I guess...

"Bye Luna." I wave goodbye to Greg and then turn my attention to Orion, who has been staring at me ever since I found him.

"Like the view?" I give him a flirty look.

"Very much. That's why your not leaving my side tonight, I want to always be able to look at my beautiful mate in pride." He smiles and leans down giving me a peck on my colored lips.

"Well I'm starving so unless you are coming with me, you'll find me at the food table." I smirk.

"Why is it that you are always hungry?" He gives my hand a light squeeze. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that if I don't have food soon my wolf will come out and attack the nearest plate." He starts chuckling.

"Come on piggy." He starts escorting me to the food table. Once we got to the table I began piling my plate with food. I'm hungry! All I had today was an apple I stole from the kitchen. I hear Orion laughing and I turn to him. He is staring at me with a mocking grin.

"What? I'm hungry!" I stick my tongue out at him and continue grabbing food.

"Alpha!" Orion and I both turn to Greg approaching us. "We found a foreign scent on the outskirts of the territory."

Orion's fist clench as he turns to me. "Stay here, Artemis. Ill be back." His eyes are shinning gold.

I nod my head and he gives me a stern look before disappearing with Greg. I sigh. Might as well find somewhere to eat and wait till he comes back. I start searching for a table but they are all filled with people. I walk past the glass windows and faintly see a small metal table outside with matching chairs.

Quiet, alone, and peaceful. Sounds like a nice place to eat. I sneak out the door and out into the garden. I take a seat at the table And begin digging into my plate. The food is so good I finish in less then ten minutes.

I put my feet up onto the other chair and tilt my head back, looking at the stars and moon. It's such a beautiful...


I immediately stand up, grabbing the knife I use to cut my steak with. I sniff the air... All I smell is flowers and fertilizer. I take a deep breath. I'm just paranoid.

I sit back down, playing with the knife in between my fingers. I was always good with throwing knives and swords, but my best was archery. Back at the old pack we used to train to be fighters in our human form. As rogues if we get caught we must be able to defend ourselves in both wolf and human form.


I shoot up, knocking the chair back behind me. I grip the knife and turn around, searching for a sign of life.


"Orion?" Orion comes shooting out of the bushes.

"What are you doing out here alone? I couldn't find you. You had me worried sick! Don't do that to me again." He ran over to me, hugging me and gripping onto me for dear life.

"Orion I need to breathe." He backed off.

"Sorry, you just scared me." He gripped my hips, still holding tight as if I would float away.

"I wanted to be alone, I'm not that into huge parties." He kissed the top of my head,"What happened with the scent? Did you find them?"

"Artemis... Why do you have a knife in your hand?" I immediately drop the knife on the table. My knuckles are white from gripping it so tightly.

"I ugh... It's nothing. Just... Um practicing." He looked at me confused.

"Practicing?" Smooth one Artemis. I don't know why but I don't want to tell Orion about the noises yet. It was probably nothing and it would make him edgy.

"Yea practicing. I throw knives and fight with swords, but I'm the best at shooting with a bow and arrow." He started smiling. "What?"

"Would you like to train with me tomorrow? We have a whole pack training house and I think you will like it." Pack training house... Sounds fun.

"Sure, sounds fun." I smile. He looks so good in the dim moon light. I start playing with his hair, I just can't resist.

"It's settled then. Tomorrow, you and me."

"Wait don't you have Alpha work or something?"He takes my hand in his and gives it a light squeeze.

"Your worth it." He gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek as he leads me inside the hall again.




Oh by the way I might not be able to post for the next week because of midterms I will try but it's going to be tough. Thanks for your understanding!

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