Soft Side

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"Artemis." I immediatly turn to see Orion standing behind me. He is avoiding my gaze by looking at his shoes. He kind of looks like a little boy who got in trouble and now has to apologize. I hope thats why he is here because if he is here to yell at me, ill leave.

"Orion..." He looks up. His eyes are filled with a mix of emotions making it hard to read what he is feeling.

"Artemis I... I want to apologize for yelling at you."

"And..." Oh he's not getting off that easy.

"And for chaining you to the bed with silver chains. I am also sorry for how i reacted with your friends. It took courage to do what you did and i would have done the same thing if i was you. Your instincts and bravery show what an amazing Luna you will be." i can't help it. im smiling like a crazy lady. He walks over to me and sits infront of me.

"I accept your apology." I wipe the dried tears from my cheeks.

"I um.. also apologize for how i acted with my father. He doesn't understand." i start laughing and he gives me a confused face, "What?"

"To be honest im not really sure I understand whats going on." i start laughing harder which makes him smile.

"Well lets see... You tried stealing from me...ended up being my mate....helped your criminal friends escape... completely shut my father up, which has never and i mean never happened before, and all while making me fall in love with you."

"W-what?" He loves me? But I... What?

"Everything about you is so interesting to me. Artemis, you are tough but gentle, strong but kind, i dont know how you do it but I love you. And hopefully one day you'll grow to love me."

Woah... im speechless.

"Artemis... Hello? Anyone in there?" He waves his hand in front of my face playfully. I slap it away. "Oh thank god, I thought we lost you."

"Sorry, that's just.... Nothing. Forget it." He puts his bottom lip out into a poo-face and he gets big puppy dogs eyes.

"Tell me." His eyes widen like they are going to fall out of his head soon, "Please."

"Oh fine. I was going to say that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." I avoid his gaze. I don't like opening up but with him it comes so easily.

"Well it's all true." He gave me a warm smile and I couldn't help but smirk. "Um Artemis, can I ask you something?"

"Yea shoot." I sit cross legged in front of him, running my fingers through the soft grass by the pond.

"When you were helping your friends escape, why didn't you go with them? Why didn't you leave when you had the chance?"

"Oh um... Well If I went with them I figured you'd track me down until I was caught since I'm your mate thus putting them in danger."

"That is correct. I would have. Continue."

"Um... I don't know. I was interested in what I could do as a Luna, to help others and I was interested in you. I wanted to get to know you. I mean the fates brought us together for a reason right?"

I looked up from my hands in the grass to his face. He is staring at me with such love in his eyes that it looks out of place for his scary, intimidating appearance.

He takes his hand brushing my cheek, warming it instantly. He slowly starts pushing my head closer to his, my lips closer to his. We are but only an inch away from each other. Orion looks into my eyes one more time, then crashes his lips into mine.

I know this sounds weird but he taste so good. The feeling of his lips on mine is heavenly. His hands slid from my shoulders, down my back, to my hips. He hoist me up onto his lap, not breaking from the kiss. His hands tighten around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I can feel his strong muscles tense under his shirt. My skin is burning. I'm out of breath.

"Orion." I pull back. I am out of breath, just one kiss he does that to me. He rubs my cheek.

"Im sorry if i scared you." I shake my head. He doesn't scare me, I just never been touched like that, never felt that before.

"You didn't scare me. Im just new to this." He smiles and picks me up, standing up with me, not letting go of my hips for second.

"Come on, you must be hungry?" i nod and he takes my hand in his, pulling me through the garden. i trip behind him as he pulls me. "Sorry im a fast walker."

"I see that." i giggle as he pulls me through the house towards the kitchen i think.

"Here we are." He opens double doors into a huge kitchen. Stainless steel ovens and fridges, cabinets filled with food line the walls. People in white aprons rush past me as i stand there. "Artemis?" I look up at Orion. "What would you like? Anything you want they can make."

"um.. uh" Orion placed his finger on my lips.

"How about everything? Yes everything! Chef!"

"Yes Alpha." A big man, with a large white hat came rushing from the hoard of people running around the kitchen. He looked to me then over to his Alpha.

"I want you to make everything. Anything that could be breakfast i want it and as fast as you can." I look at the face of the chef and he is in shock.

"Alpha?" He looks like a lost puppy, he is so confused. Orion is smiling like a madman.

"You heard me. Your wasting time, every second you stand here is another second my mate goes hungry." The chef looks to me and i smile. "What are you doing? Go!"

The chef quickly turned to the kitchen staff and began screaming orders. i look up at Orion.

"Was that really nesscary? Orion i cant eat that much and i dont want to waste food. All i want is a peanut butter sandwich and some water. Nothing more." His smile faded with my words.

"But i want to impress you. I want you to be treated like a princess." i shake my head.

"Orion, i don't want to be a princess. A reason I stayed was because maybe i can make a difference as a Luna that could never make as a theif. And making all this food for one person is wasting, only a full pack could eat it and I will not waste it." He kissed the top of my head.

"You are a genuis." Excuse me?

"What?" Orion called the Chef over again.

"Chef, cancel the breakfast and prepare for a party. The biggest party we have ever had! For tonight!" The Chef scrambled back, screaming orders again.

"Orion, this is completely opposite of what I..." He cut me off.

"Artemis, we will have a party. To introduce you to everybody as the new Luna. And instead of gifts we will raise money for... something, i dont know we will figure it out later. Hows that sound?" i stare at him, my brain trying to comphrend what he just said.

"i ... uh... sure."

"Great! Come on! We have to start planning." He grabs hold of my hand and yanks me through the house again. I have a feeling I'm not getting my PB and J sandwich anytime soon.


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