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I always thought I'd find a mate later in life and that it would be a rogue like me. Or in the worst case apart of a pack, but not this. An Alpha, one of the richest in the area, and I'm caught stealing from him.

"Baby?" I pull my eyes away from the Alpha's, meeting Peter's confused face. Before I can say something to him, the Alpha cuts in.

"How dare you call her baby! She is my mate! Mine!" He storms over to Peter, throwing punches at him left and right.

"Stop you jackass!" I spoke before I thought apparently because the second I said that the Alpha turned his attention to me. Shit...

"What did you just say?" His voice was hard and cold, digging into me. But there was something else...was he hurt by what I said?

"I said to leave him alone. Baby is my nickname." He straightened slightly, running his hand through his glossy brown hair. He looked somewhat embarrassed. "Maybe next time you'll think before you act."

After I said that his face hardened and he grabbed my arm, hoisting me up with ease. The feeling of our skin touch is making my thoughts blur. Sparks of heat fly through my body, but I pull myself back to reality when I hear his words.

"Search the perimeter, I don't think they are alone. I want it wiped clean and even the slightest scent that is unfamiliar reported to me." Caleb nods his head.

"What about the two pups?" By pups he is referring to Peter and Dan. I growl at him for putting them down like that, he flashes me a dirty look then the Alpha answers.

"Put them in holding cells. By this time tomorrow they will be dead for their crimes."

"W-what?" How could he... But... They didn't do anything wrong!

The Alpha ignores me and begins pulling me towards the door. I fight. I pull back in defiance. I will not let him pull me here and there, im not some pet.

"NO!" i finally squeeze out of his grip, landing hard on my butt. He turns to me, his eyes burning into me. i take a deep breath as i stand up, challenging him. "They didn't do anything wrong, why should they die?"

He stiffend before speaking. "They tried stealing from me. They should be punished for what they had planned."

"So what? You kill people for trying? They didn't succed, let them go and forget it." He came closer to me, we are only inches apart from each other. He growls.

"They will die and you will come." he grabbed my arm again, but I had another idea.

"No." i slapped him across the face with me free hand. He let go of my arm, taking his hand and putting up to his now, red cheek. It seemed as his pack members stopped breathing in shock. He turns his head to me, his eyes the darkest shade of brown, cutitng into me as i continued. "I am not your pet. If they die, I die."

I prepared for him to hit me back. I was being disrespectful, but ive never been good with those who think higher then others. AKA Alphas.

The hit never came. Only a eerie silence over the room. I turned my head to Peter and Dan. Their mouths were wide open, staring at me in shock. I turn to look at the Alpha, meeting eyes with him. If i wasn't so stubborn, he probably would have had what he wanted with the look he was giving me now. WIth those gorgeous eye and his built body .... FOCUS! Unfortunatly for him, and partcailly me, I am that stubborn.

"Everyone out..." his voice was so low and deep, my wolf shuddered inside of me, sending chills through my body. Caleb spoke up first.

"Orion?" Caleb's voice was shaking with fear. Not so tough now huh? A smile spread across my face but was quickly gone when i heard Orion's answer.

"GET OUT! EVERYONE OUT!" Orion's pack stared stumbling for the door, carrying Peter and Dan with them. I mouthed 'Don't worry' before they were gone.Caleb reached for my arm, to escort me out, but was stopped by Orion. " Don't touch her. She stays."

He pulls back and nods. Then leaves the room.

Just me and Orion. Oh boy...


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