<12> Airport Adventures

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"I can't wait for the flight!" Ivory giggled while holding onto my arm causing me to chuckle.

"We should go get Dante and see if he's ready, we have to be at the airport in two hours. Did we rent a car?"

"Yep! Dante picked it out."

Ivory pulled me to Dante's room and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" He yelled through the door and I chuckled.

His door opened and Dante walked out with a duffle bag in his hand.

"Did you get anything for the plane ride?"

"We are supposed to be at the airport in 2 hours and it takes just about that time to drive there so let's get on the road. Dante, if you need anything, I brought books." I told them while getting into a Suburban.

Dante climbed in the backseat while Ivory sat in the passenger seat.

Ivory connected his phone to the radio and played Mug Shot by MAX.

We listened to it until Dante turned off the music.

"Hey!" Ivory pouted and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, what was that for?"

"I'd rather sit in silence."

"AND NOW I JUST SIT IN SILENCE!" Ivory started dancing in his seat while yelling the rest of the lyrics to Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots.

"Is he always like this?" Dante asked me.

Sighing, I nodded.

"Yes and unfortunately we will have to deal with him."

"You know you love me Sammy!" Ivory grinned.

I shook my head then watched the cars pass as we drove fast.

Ivory turned the radio back on, ignoring Dante's complaining.

Smooth Seas Don't Make Good Sailors by Neck Deep began playing and I smirked.

I sang along, nodding my head to the music.

The world's a fucked up place but it depends on how you see it.

We passed another car and cut them off, eliciting a honk from their horn.

We made it to the airport in record time and began to go through security.

"You didn't pack anything stupid, did you?" I asked the other two.

They both shook their heads.

"Good. Maybe this won't take too long."

We went through easily and made it to the waiting area.

"Can we get food?" Ivory asked with a whine.

"Sure." I led them to a little restaurant thing and we each ordered what we wanted. Once the food was made, we sat back in the waiting area and began eating.

"This is surprisingly good." Ivory chimed.

Dante nodded in agreement. I only chuckled.

When we were finished we threw everything away which happened to be just as they were calling tickets.

We lined up and I realized we were the first ones on.

"Ivory, how much did you pay for these tickets?" I asked lowly. He blushed and waved his hands around.

"It doesn't matter." He rushed onto the plane with his carry on bag and he picked his seat first.

"Dante sit with me so Sammy doesn't kill me!"

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