<47> Smoking Kills

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When Dante woke up, I was still sitting there. My thoughts ranged from my deceased mother and my very alive father to James and his work. I really hope he's doing okay.


I wonder how he's doing. If his mate is taking good care of him or not.

I should probably text him.

Swiftly pulling out my phone, I message my previous toy, asking how he's doing.

He doesn't answer immediately so I lock my phone and put it aside before turning to my mate.

Dante adjusted his body so he sat beside me. His head rested on my shoulder, eyes closed, as he hummed in content.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah..." he yawned.

I smiled down at him then kissed the top of his head.

A knock from my door resounded through my room before it opened.

"Sam, I'm horny!" A familiar voice called.

Dante's body tensed when James entered our room.

James froze when he spotted Dante.

"Ooh... bad timing? Are you not single anymore?" James sighed.

"James, why are you here?" I asked, pulling my mate close to me.

"Well, I decided to move my business from California to Colorado."

"Business? Sam, who is he?" Dante looked up at me.

"Dante, this is James. He was a two night stand while we were in California and fighting." I explained.

"Oh." He muttered and looked back down at the bed.

Henry walked up behind James, passing him and rubbing against his should softly. His eyes flashed up at the older man and he blushed.

I really hope they're mates, they'd be so fucking cute.

The smaller male stood in front of me.

"Sam, there's a fight outside. I thought you would want to me to notify you."

"Fuck. Umm, yeah, thanks Henry. James, I'll speak to you later, it's nice to see you again."

I got out of bed, pulling Dante up with me and followed Henry to where the fight is.

Both participants were bloodied and yelling at each other.

One looked to have a broken nose, the blood was fluently spilling from it.

"Stop fighting." I growled and they stepped away from each other.

"Why the fuck are you fighting?"

"He fucking kissed me so I hit him!" The taller, light haired one yelled.

"What kind of excuse is that?" Dante asked.

The smaller boy glared at the tall one.

"Why can't I kiss you?" He snapped.

"Because you're a guy!"

"Excuse you?" Dante growled. We both towered over the fighting wolves. 

"Is there something wrong with two guys being together?"

"Yea- no, not at all, alpha Sam." The blonde one blushed.

"That's what I thought. I don't want to see you out of your room for the rest of the day, this is your warning. If I hear you're being rude or bullying another pack member, you'll be gone."

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