<13> B**ches

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"Sammy! Get up! Hey! Wake up! Let's go to the beach!" It was Ivory who awoke me from my peaceful sleep.

It seems he woke Dante as well who was sitting on his bed grumbling under his breath.

"What time is it?"

"Almost two o'clock." 

"Go back to sleep. We can go to the beach later." I rolled over and buried my face in the pillow.  

"But I want to go before there are a bunch of people!" 

"There are already a bunch of people. It's two in the afternoon! And I wanna sleep!"

"But Sammy!" He whined.

"Ivory! Go bother Dante!"

"He just threatens me!"

"Then go do something else. I want to sleep."

"No! Get your ass up, if I'm up, you have to be as well." Dante pulled the covers off me and pulled me onto the floor.

I groaned as pain blossomed through my arm from landing on it.


I stood up and rubbed my eyes, sighing.

Ivory pushed a pair of swim shorts in my hands then pushed me in the bathroom.

"Hurry up and change! I wanna go to the beach!"

I mumbled curses whole changing into the brightly colored swim shorts.

After I brushed my teeth, I walk back out.

"Dante it's your turn!"

Dante stood and walked into the bathroom after grabbing swim trunks from his bag.

"Ivory bring me the sun screen so I can put it on you."

"But I don't want to wear it." He pouted.

"You're a ghost. You need sunscreen."

"But I don't wanna!"

"See that sun? It's going to burn you and you won't like it, now let me put this sunscreen on you."

"But Sammy!"

"Don't 'but Sammy' me. Get over here."

He crossed his arms and pouted but walked over to me.

He held out his arms and let me spray his body.

When I was done, I pecked his lips.

"I hate sunscreen." He muttered and I chuckled.

"Get used to it because you're going to be wearing it all week."

He let out a whine and I chuckled.

"What's taking Dante so long? I just want to get on the beach!"

I shrugged and sat down on the bed.

"Dante! Hurry up!" He banged on the bathroom door.

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