<32> An Acquired Taste

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Dante didn't have any more episodes that night and seemed fairly well rested.

Once we left the room to grab food, Ajax pulled me aside and told me that the Agent contacted him to notify us that we could begin work on the property.

"Already?" I gasped.

"Yep. He said if you wanted to call out a contractor and had a few land surveys done, that you could." Ajax confirmed.

"Thank you again for your helping me."

"Anytime, Sam." Ajax turned around just as Hayden jumped at him.

I pulled out my smartphone and began searching for contractors and land surveys and any other stuff that I'd need to make this piece of land my own.

I look around on the Internet for a while before deciding to get something to eat.

While I was surfing the interweb for information, I had made a list. After I found some food, I surveyed the list.

An aura drafted over my shoulder, looking down upon me.

"Dante?" I quirked a brow.

"What are you up to?" He asked, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Just looking through the notes I took. I'm trying to find the best person possible for this project."

"Oh. Have you found anything?"

"Not yet."

Dante back off and sat beside me on a bar stool.

"I'm really excited for you, Sam." He rested his hand on my forearm. 

I smiled at him then pecked his lips.

"Where am I going to stay?" He asked, putting a thoughtful finger on his bottom lip.

"I'd like it if you stayed with me." I told him.

"But Ajax... My position to the pack..."

"Dante, you'll be my Luna."

"I don't want to leave Ajax without a beta. I was born to be beta."

"And you were chosen to be my Luna."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm making coffee, do you want any?" He asked, standing from the bar stool.


I watched as Dante danced around the kitchen, gathering the things to make the two cups of coffee. My eyes caught hold of his ass. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"What do you want in your coffee?" He asked, throwing a look my way.

"I just want it black."

His nose scrunched up in disgust as he turned back around to finish the the coffee.

Once he finished up, he handed me a mug before sipping on his own.

"How can you drink that?" Dante asked as I took a sip of the bitter coffee.

I shrugged.

"I don't mind the taste." I answered, glancing up at him.

His nose scrunched up in disgust.

"That's gross."

"It's an acquired taste."

"You should get back to your paperwork. I need to go talk to Ajax." Dante patted my shoulder before walking out of the kitchen with his coffee.

I sigh and continue my search.

After a while, I found a guy who seemed like he could get the job done and wrote down his phone number and information.

I was calling the man when Dante called.

"Did you find someone?" He whispered and I nodded.

"Yeah, I think this is the guy."

"That's good."

I nodded and perked up when the the man answered the phone.

"This is James Diego."

"Hi, Mr. Diego, I was wondering if I could enlist the services of your company."

"Ok, we can meet up and discuss the project sometime?"

"That would be great, how about tomorrow?"

"What time?"

"Any time after noon would work for me."

"Perfect. Call me or text me when you want to meet up. I don't have any plans."

"Great. See you later, bye."

I ended the call and finished off the cup of coffee.

"So, what did he say?" Dante asked, climbing on my lap.

"He wants to meet up." I pecked Dante's cheek.

"That's great." He grinned.

I put my lips on Dante's and he kissed me back immediately.

After a while, Dante pulled back panting.

"I-I don't want to have sex right now." He blushed and looked down at the floor.

"That's fine, love, I don't want you to feel pressure about anything." I rubbed his back reassuringly,

"Thanks Sammy." He rested his head on my chest.

"I think now is the perfect time for you to try on the underwear I got you." I grinned.

Dante blushed.

"If we're going to do this, I might as well have fun with it." He mumbled to himself then stood.

I followed suit and led him to the bedroom.

Dante sat down on the bed before slowly dragging off his shirt.

"Let's get this show on the road." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

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