<45> The Angry Indian

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Yesterday, we enlisted about 21 people, plenty of men and a scattered amount of women.

"Are we done questioning rouges?" Dante groaned.

"Yeah, I think we're done for now, the word's gotten around."

"I love you Sam but your pack is taking a lot of work." Dante whined.

"You're so lazy."


I chuckled and shook my head.

"Last time I went downstairs, the kitchen was practically empty meaning no one had gone to the grocery store. So, I figured we could go and supply the pack." I explained.

He sighed dramatically and held up his arms for me to carry him. Shocking, right? Not.

I shook my head, motioning for him to put on some clothes.

He did and then I picked him up.

"Are we doing anything after grocery shopping?" Dante asked.

"Hmm, whatever you wanna do, love." I pecked his nose.

He shook his head then planted his lips firmly onto mine.

After a few seconds, I pulled away.

"We can't get distracted right now."

Dante let out a sigh of dismissal before resting his head onto my chest.

"Oh, I should write a note explaining why we're absent. I'll direct them to Hayden since Ajax can be scary, no?"

I placed him on his feet so I could write effectively.

"That would be best. Aren't they all down this hall, they can just look at your door."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." I spoke, while writing down what I needed to.

Once I finished, I taped the note to my door and led Dante down the hall.

"Can pick me up again? I don't wanna walk." He whined.

"No, you need to work those legs, love."

Dante groaned but didn't ask to be held again.

We walked out of the pack house together, grabbing the keys to his car and heading towards it.

"Do you want me or you to drive?" I ask him.

"You. I don't want to today."

I chuckled and nodded before getting into the driver's seat and starting the car.

Dante climbed into the passenger side. He sat there, waiting for me to begin driving but I stared at him.


"Put your seatbelt on, love."

He did what he was told and I started driving.

We arrived at Kroger then got out. We walked into the store hand in hand.

Dante pulled me over to the carts and grabbed one, pushing it in front of us. We received sideways glances from some women with rosaries around their necks.

My hand touches the cross hanging from my neck that Dante gave me.

My mate squeezed my hand, leading us away from the group of women.

"Where do you want to start first?" Dante asked once we were way from the group.

"Always start with the fruit and vegetables." I stated.

Dante laughed then led us to the right side of the building where the fruits and vegetables were sold.

"What do you like?" I questioned.

"Mm... strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, pineapple, watermelon, broccoli an carrots." He listed, grabbing a box or bundle of each and placed them into the cart.

Our next location was the deli section, Dante ordering some sliced meat and cheese.

We strolled through the store and picked out a few bags of chips, bread, frozen items, cookies, soda, etc.

Dante led me towards the dessert section and stood in front of the toppings. He selected a bottle of Hershey's Chocolate Shell and syrup.

He picked out some ice cream and grabbed several cans of whipped cream.

"Are we done here?" I asked, lustfully staring at him.

"If you want to be." He shrugged, walking towards the checkout lines.

The cashier looked at us weird as we placed the shit ton of food on the conveyor belt but she didn't say anything.

She began checking us out, swiping all of the food along to the bagging boy. Said boy was gnawing on his lip while trying to concentrate on the task at hand.

Once everything was scanned and accounted for, I pulled out my debit card to pay.

We had three employees help carry our things out to the car, Dante and I only carrying two bags a piece.

Everyone set the bags in the trunk and I thanked them.

My mate and I got into the car. He automatically put his seatbelt on, receiving a warm smile from me.

I headed in the opposite direction of the packhouse, driving towards a liquor store instead.

"Why did you go here?" Dante asked, shooting me a skeptical glance.

"You'll find out later, I want you to stay in the car and lock the doors while I'm in the store."

"I really hope you're not planning on robbing the place. You'd be terrible at that." He snorted.

Rolling my eyes, I got out and waited by the car until he locked the doors. Once he did, I entered the store and immediately began searching.

I collected vodka, rum, gin, tequila, Triple Sec, lime juice, fresh orange juice, and cranberry juice.

The man at the register eyed me and nodded approvingly before ringing me up. I paid him and then took the bags.

Dante unlocked the car when I came back outside.

I put the bag in the back seat before driving out of the parking lot.

"That was a large bag." He pondered.

"Yeah." I agreed.

He continued to think it over, me not giving him an answer. I definitely had enough liquor to drown Ajax's entire pack.

When we arrived back, Dante and I called upon people to help us bring the groceries into the kitchen. They huffed and puffed but ended up helping us out.

Everyone pitched in a little while putting the food away.

Once the activity in the kitchen diminished, I pulled out the liquors and made a drink.

"The Angry Indian." I named it, sliding it to Dante who cautiously picked it up.

He took a small sip and closed his eyes, savoring the taste of the strong alcohol and fruity juices mixed.

"Do you like it?" I asked and he nodded, taking another sip.

"Good, now I'm going to make one for myself and today, we are just going to relax." I grinned.

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