<16> Everclear

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Sam's POV

The test tube shot glass was raised above my head as Sean and I danced, grinding with the music. His hips swayed with drunkenness while I was only halfway to forgetting everything. As the next song began playing, Sean turned around, gripping my biceps and grinding even harder into me.

"We should go back to your hotel room." Sean suggested over the pounding music.

I shrugged and nodded before taking a few shot glasses from some guy walking around.

I grabbed Sean's hand and pulled him out of the club.

He stumbled and I chuckled.

"I guess we're walking... Let's stop by the liquor store, yeah?" I asked him and he slurred an almost there answer.

I pulled him into the store that was on our way back to the hotel and bought some Everclear. Strongest liquor in the world, it claimed.

Thanking the clerk, we left the store. I opened the bottle and took a swig, enjoying the quick burn it left as it ran down my throat.

Sean took the bottle and drank some before handing it back to me. He made a face at the bitter tasting liquid.

"Why that?" He slurred and I chuckled, appreciating the fuzz in my vision.

"It gets me drunk."

A sinister shine in his eyes led me to follow him into the elevator and to my room, completely disregarding everything.

I pushed him onto the bed, quickly throwing off his shirt and sloppily tugging his jeans down. I stripped and watched as Sean's eyes widened at my size. Crawling onto the bed, I attached our lips in a heated kiss. His hands were tightly twisted in my hair, holding me in that delicious kiss. I needed more. No, I wanted more.

I held my fingers up to his lips and his tongue darted out, leading them into his mouth.

Sean sucked on my fingers until I thought they were wet enough to prepare him. Pulling them out then sliding them into his tight hole.

"S-Sammy..." He whined, almost reminding me of Ivory.

"Sean, baby? What is it?" I asked lowly.

"T-this is my first time w-with a guy." He mumbled and blushed.

"It'll be ok, you like pain anyways, right?"

"Yes." It was slurred and long.

Throughout our conversation, I felt him stretching to my finger so I added a new one, making him moan out in slight pain and discomfort.

"Shh, baby, it'll get better. I promise." I whispered and kissed him then added a third finger. He gasped against my lips and arched into me.

"Are you ready? Tell me if it hurts." My head was pounding and my vision was blurry.

I slowly entered the boy and stopped when he tensed. He nodded softly so that I could continue. Once I was fully in, I stopped, letting him adjust.

"Y-you can go." His voice was tight.

I moved a little and he shivered in pain.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The end of his words were muffled by his moan.

I smirked and pulled out to the tip, slamming back in sharply.

"O-oh God, just like that."

I began slamming into him, working harder as sweat covered our bodies.

"S-Sam?" It was a voice that made me flutter. A voice that could make me throw everything away and settle down with the owner of that sexy voice.

My head titled to the side and I jumped at the sight of Dante.

"W-what are you doing here?" I growled, the alcohol already wearing off.

"I was sleeping until you came in here!" He growled and I blushed.

"Ignore him. Fuck me, baby!" The still drunken Sean moaned.

I turned back to the smaller boy then back at Dante.

"Go to sleep Dante, and let me finish up." I growled and Dante narrowed his eyes at me but rolled over.

I turned my attention to the no underneath me and smirked.

His eyes closed as I pushed back into him. A moan ripped through him when I sharply snapped my hips up.

"Sammy, I'm close!" Sean groaned and I chuckled, beginning to move a little faster and much rougher.

After a few hefty thrusts, he exploded onto our chests and I released my seed inside of him.

I pulled out and kissed his lips.

"Get some clothes on and I'll take you to your house." I told him.

"Dante, I'll be back to talk to you."

After we pulled on our clothes, I took Sean's hand and pulled him out of the room.

"Give me directions to your house, I'll walk you."

"I don't live that far."

"Then I'll walk you."

"O-okay." We left the hotel and began walking. We talked and he gave me directions as went. Our conversation varied in an interesting manner and when we got to his house he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being my first."

I smiled and pulled his head to me, placing my lips on his.

"The streets are dangerous at night." His words were soft now, matching the blush on his cheeks.

"I'm sure I'll make it." I smiled.

"Sleep tight. Maybe we can hang out sometime?" I suggested.

"Maybe. Goodnight." He blushed, closing the door softly.

I turned around and ran a hand through my tangled hair. How could I forget Dante was there.


Turning around, I walked away from the building and back the way we came.

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