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I groaned that Friday afternoon as I flopped down onto my bed. The first week of high school classes were over and done and now I had nothing better to do but lie here. My friends had invited me out to a movie that Saturday but I wasn't interested in going. They knew I was still in a rotten mood so they didn't try to push me either. I kind of wished they had but was also glad they hadn't. All I knew was that I was going to be bored this weekend. No boyfriend to hang out with, no big brother to mess with me.. My senior year was starting out as a pretty dull one.

"Lily! Honey!" My mom called out as she arrived home not an hour later. I had been up in my room since I returned home from school and was just listening to music quietly and reading, something I hadn't been able to do since Jake first brought Calum home. Those two were always bugging me and making noise. It was hard to concentrate on anything when they were around. I was practically laser focused now though. Maybe everything wouldn't be so bad..

"Yeah mom!" I called out as I sat up in bed, getting ready to head down the stairs if she needed me.

"Can you come here a moment sweetheart!" I sighed. I had feared the worst and the worst had come. I had to get out of bed. Running a hand through my dark hair, I slid off my bed and unrolled my sweatpants so the fabric could fall back to my ankles. I hope she didn't need me to go outside because I was currently a wreck.

"Yeah mom?" I asked as I walked down the stairs two at a time, looking at the ground.

"Someone's here to see you." I glanced up for the first time and screamed, putting my hands over my mouth. Standing there with my mom, holding a bouquet of flowers was Calum. He was biting his bottom lip, probably trying not to laugh at my outfit of choice and looking absolutely irresistible in a muscle shirt that did exactly as it was told and showed off his muscles.

"Mom!" I exclaimed. "I look awful!" I shouted before trying to race back up the stairs to change or possibly die from embarrassment.

"Lil! No! Wait!" Calum called out, laughing as he caught my wrist. I groaned and refused to look at him as he stepped closer. The plastic covering the flowers crinkled in his other hand. "You look amazing." He said before kissing my temple. I made a face at him as he pulled back, handing me the flowers.

"You have to say that because we're dating." I grumbled, taking the flowers and smelling them.

"No, if I thought you looked bad, I would say so." I snorted.

"Wow. Thanks." Calum laughed and so did my mom.

"I'll leave you two kids alone. I'm sure you both have a lot of complaining to do about the first week of classes." She said smiling at us. Calum thanked her for letting him in and she waved goodbye to him before disappearing into the kitchen. Calum took my hand and tried to pull me toward the couch.

"Can't I go upstairs and change." I whined. "I look gross."

"You look fine." Calum murmured kissing me lightly. "Come on we're not going anywhere. This is your house. I'm taking you out later." I licked my lips, trying not to smile so I could hide my excitement.

"Where are we going?" I asked nonchalantly.

"You'll see." He said sitting us down on the couch. I put the flowers on the coffee table and we turned to face each other. "I've missed you." He began, smiling like an idiot.

"I know. I'm an easy person to miss." Calum rolled his eyes at me and leaned in. I met him halfway with the kiss. "I've missed you too."

"Good because otherwise that would have just been awkward." I started laughing. "How's school been?" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine dad." I joked.

"Hmm.. Don't start kitten." I blushed red as he touched my cheek lightly. "Well college sucks. Being away from my parents, sister and you for that matter isn't all it's cracked up to be. Jake and I are shit at cooking. I swear, if the cafeteria didn't exist we would starve." I started laughing. "And I can't make out with you in my car whenever I want." He continues, beginning to list off everything that's wrong with college like how everyone seems to still be stuck in their high school phase.

"Hey, lighten up. Those kids that are stuck in their senior year of high school will probably drop out before sophomore year. You'll be fine." He sighed.

"God I hope so. I thought we were supposed to leave that part of us at the backdoor."

"Did you leave your senior self at the backdoor?" I asked teasingly, nudging him. God I hope he didn't say he had because that would subtly mean he had left me there too. Calum nods his head side to side.

"Parts of him. Not you though." Good answer. He leaned in and kissed me and I smiled. "God I missed you." He repeats and I laugh.

"I'm right here."

"I know but on Sunday I have to go back to college, deal with my roommate and.." He groaned as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is Jake really an awful roommate?" I asked him.

"No." Calum grumbled, his head resting against the back of the couch. "He's worse." I started laughing as Calum sat up and pursed his lips. "Oh whatever Lil." He said shoving me a little.

"I would be a better roommate than my brother." I stated, pushing my hair back. Calum smirked and moved closer to me, his hand resting on my thigh.

"I know. We could spend all our free time making out or having sex. You could make me food.." I hit his arm and stood up, grabbing up the bouquet of flowers as I went.

"I would not make you food." I told him, blushing red as I headed to the kitchen with the flowers. Calum and I hadn't had sex yet. Sometimes we mentioned it as a joke but he had never pushed me or pressured me into having sex with him. While I appreciated it, I just didn't know when the right time to be with him would come about. And now with him away at college, I felt the need to be with him so he didn't leave me. I didn't like being cornered.

"You make me food here what would be so different if you made me food if you were my roommate?" Calum asked, following me.

"Because we'd be living together. Making food should be a team effort if we're both going to eat it and if not.." I said filling a vase with water. "Then make your own damn food." I removed the plastic covering the flowers and took out the feed packet, ripping it open and pouring the contents into the vase.

"So are you saying that when we're married we'll have to do everything together?" Calum asked wrapping his arms around my middle. Married? I dumped the flowers into the water. Did he think about marrying me often? I didn't even consider marriage as something on the table. Marriage.. I still liked the idea of it. I turned around in his grip.

"Yeah. Exactly." I kissed I him sweetly and felt Calum smile.

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