Anything Goes

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So where are we going tonight?

Can't you just wait and see?

You know I'm not very patient.

Well you're going to have to learn how to be! ✨😘

I rolled my eyes at his reply. Calum had refused to tell where we were tough tonight, said it was a surprise even though he knew I hated those. My phone buzzed again in my hand and I looked down at the message from Calum

Wear that dress I like kitten 😜😘

Calum, where are we going?

Calum 😜💋
You'll see! I promise and you'll love it.

I better Calum 🙄

Sighing, I set my phone down and began getting ready for my date. If he wanted me to wear that dress then we must have been going somewhere pretty fancy. I wore this dress to the first dance Calum had asked me to last year. Before, I had gone to the dances with my friends and we would eat food, pretend to dance and make fun of other people's moves the entire night.

When Calum had asked me to go to the Winter Formal dance with him, my friends treated it like it was a big deal. This wasn't the first time one of us was going to the dances with a date but it would be the first time one of us was going with a senior. I remember my mom had driven all of my friends and I to the mall so we could buy a dress together. I tried on dozens of them before I found one that I actually wanted and made me look good.

"It's perfect!" My mom exclaimed as she tugged at the strap on my shoulder.

"You look smokin hot." Kenzie said clapping her hands.

"Calum is gonna love it." Maria said firmly and they were right, he did. When I had first come downstairs, I was holding my shoes because I didn't want to trip down the stairs and as I landed on the floor, my feet hitting the tile I looked up at Calum who seemed to be awestruck.

"You okay?" I asked him as I gripped the railing of the stairs and began putting my shoes on.

"I.. Uh.. Yeah.." Calum said, clearing his throat. Jake snapped his fingers in front of his best friends face, getting his attention.

"Uh-huh, eyes here Hood. Don't touch my baby sister got that? Or I'm coming after you."

"Jake, shut up." I groaned, shoving my brother away from Calum. "Don't you have a date to get to?" I asked as Calum slipped his arm around my waist.

"Yeah but I had to make sure this idiot didn't try anything tonight."

"Have you forgotten who I am? Go to your date, she's probably thinking you bailed on her." I scolded with a roll of my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Calum, don't touch her." Jake repeated. Calum's arm around me dropped.

"You got it, no touching." I rolled my eyes again. I swear, they were going to get stuck like that one day. As soon as Jake had left, Calum slipped his arm back around me. "Don't tell Jake." He whispered, making me laugh. My mom had made us take pictures, even though it wasn't prom or anything and my dad stared at us almost disapprovingly but didn't say anything as we left the house.

As we we're driving to school, Calum stopped on the side of the road, surprising me. "I'm sorry babe but I can't help myself." He murmured before uncurling his seatbelt and leaning in to kiss me. I started laughing as I kissed him back. "Where did you find that dress?" He asks. "God it fits you perfectly."

"Some store in the mall." I murmured.

"God I'm so glad I skied you out to this dance. I can't wait to see you at prom." Of course Calum liked my prom dress too but he said he didn't like it as much as my Winter Formal dance because as he said, my boobs looked bette in my white dress than my prom one.

After taking a quick shower, I toweled off my hair and then stood in front of the mirror doing my makeup for about fifteen minutes. Nothing fancy really, I wasn't exactly sure where we were going yet but it couldn't have been more than a fancy dinner.

Changing out of my shorts and shirt, I grabbed the dress off the hanger and slipped it on easily before attempting to do something about my tangled hair. My mom knocked on my bedroom door as I was running a brush through my hair. "Come in!" I called out, turning towards the door. My mom opened it and smiled upon seeing me.

"Hello honey! Calum is here." I cursed under my breath.

"Already? He didn't text me." I said grabbing my phone.

Hey, you ready kitten?
Babe, I'm outside your house.
You're not ready are you...
Oops. Sorry.

I sighed. "Can you tell him I'll be down in five minutes." She nodded her head.

"Of course. No rush. You look gorgeous baby." She said blowing me a kiss. I smiled.

"Thanks mom." She waved goodbye, closing my bedroom door. There wasn't much I could do now about my hair. There was no time to straighten it or curl it a bit more. All I could do was put product in my semi-wet hair and hope it didn't frizz up. Five minutes later, like I had promised, I walked down the stairs in my heels, carrying my purse. Calum smiled at me and kissed my forehead. He was still taller in me even though I wore two inch heels, but not by much.

"Ready to go?" Calum asked. I nodded my head ass my dad walked out of his study and eyed us curiously.

"Where are you two going?" He asked. I thought my mom would have told him but by the look on his face, I could tell she hadn't.

"Out to dinner sir and then.. A surprise." Calum said nervously.

"A surprise?" My father demanded. My mom ushered my dad forward and then whispered something in his ear. So my mom was in on it too? I shook my head at Calum. My dad humphed. "Alright, have her home at the usual time Calum."

"Yes sir." Calum said, nodding his head before lacing our fingers together. My mom kissed my cheek as a goodbye and I gave my dad a small hug before we headed out the door.

"So my mom knew?" I demanded. Calum squeezed my hand, laughing.

"Of course she did." I groaned.

We started off the night by going to a cute little Italian restaurant. I got the ravioli and he got the lasagna and as we were getting ready to leave, Calum finally told me where we were going. He seemed very nervous about it. "So um.. I hope you're not.. You know angry at me about this but... You know how Mali uhh.. Works at the large theatre downtown?" I nodded my head slowly. "Well uhh.. She tried out for one of the musicals recently and well uh.. Got the staring roll.. And we're going to see her in Anything Goes."

"What? Seriously! That's amazing! I'm so proud of her!" Calum sighed in relief.

"Good, you are excited."

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked with a laugh.

"Well we'll ummm be with my parents and.."

"No big deal." I said looping my arm through his. "Your parents love me and I love Mali and musicals so this will be so much fun!" Last year, I had dragged Calum to every production our high school out on, musical or not. I liked theatre and while I had never been a part of it, I always appreciated it.

"Awesome so we should get going. The show starts at seven." I kissed Calum's cheek.

"Thank you for this. I had a really shitty week." I murmured.

"Of course." Calum said with a smile. "I love you." I smiled back.

"I love you too." As we approached the car, Calum unlocked it and opened the door for me. I smiled and got in and he shut it behind me. I wondered if the butterflies flying around in my stomach would ever leave. I didn't think I wanted them too.

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