Moving Away

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A/N: Dedicated to SerfinaBella32  on her birthday!!

"I'm going to miss you." I said with a frown, crossing my arms. Calum laughed as he dumped a box into the trunk of his car. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I won't be that far away Lil and I'll come down every weekend if you want." I pushed him back, my hands on his forearms.

"What? No way! You stay in college and.." I paused looking at his parents. "Go to some kickass parties but don't.. And I swear to god Calum. Don't do anything stupid. No drinking and driving. No getting caught with anything and don't. Fucking. Cheat. On. Me." Calum started laughing.

"Have a little faith kitten." Calum said kissing my forehead. I blushed red. That nickname never got old.

"I do have faith in you. I do trust you. Just don't break that or I'll break you." Calum grinned.

"I know you will." He murmured kissing my forehead.

"Hey, I thought you were supposed to be packing!" Mali, Calum's sister, called out. I blushed red as he laughed.

"I am! I am." He called back. Malik smiled and waved at me and I waved back. Surprisingly, Mali thought I was pretty cool. She liked hanging out with me and said I was one of the better girlfriends Calum has had. She told me once about a girl named Hilary whom Mali had met and didn't get along with.

"The relationship didn't last long after that." Mali had whispered to me. I had never asked about Calum's ex-girlfriends and he had never asked about my ex-boyfriends, not that there was much to tell but hearing this still made me feel a little weird. I was just glad that since he had gone to a different school before transferring over to ours that I didn't know any of his ex-girlfriends.

"I should take you back to your house soon shouldn't I." Calum said throwing his arm around me as we walked back into his house. I nodded my head slowly. Jake was packing everything up too back home and I didn't want to help him which was why I was with Calum. They were going to the same college anyways and they were roommates so I would be swing Calum again soon. This wasn't goodbye, yet.

"I wish my parents would have let me ride with you guys. Your family is more fun on road trips." Calum laughed.

"My family is insane."

"Well mine is boring." Calum laughed again. "And Jake will bug me the entire time." I grumbled.

"Aw come on, your big brother is leaving. Won't you miss him?" Calum teased.

"Not in the slightest." Calum and I exchanged a look before laughing.

"Calum!" His mother called out to him. "Don't you have to take Lily home?"

"Yeah mom! I was just about too. I came back in to tell you." His mother walks out of the kitchen and smiles at the two of us.

"We'll get a move on then. You'll see each other again soon." Calum grabbed one last box to put in the back of his car and then the two of us got in and buckled up.

"You know you didn't have to take me home right? I could have had my parents pick me up." Calum shrugged as he started the engine to his car.

"Yeah but.. Then we couldn't stop somewhere and make out one last time."


"Oh come on babe, like you didn't expect this." He said winking at me as he backed out of the driveway. I squirmed in my seat, blushing red. Truth was, I had expected this and that's why I was so embarrassed.

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