Cheater, Cheater

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He deleted it over an hour ago but I still had the screenshots. Not that I needed them. The videos were practically playing on loop in my brain. He said he was doing homework but his snapchats said otherwise. As I stared at the blurry screenshot of him with some blonde girl, Jackie started to call me. I stared at her caller ID, wondering if I should pick up or not.

I waited too long though and her name disappeared, replaced with the picture of Calum and that girl again. My phone buzzed with the notification of a new voicemail. I sighed and tapped on it, putting my phone to my ear.

"Hey, Lily. You better not be doing what I think you're doing. I know Calum texted you saying he was doing homework but he could have been doing that and then Jake dragged him out to the party." She was quiet. "I don't really know what to say about that blonde girl and.. Those other girls in his snaps that have conveniently been deleted but.." A pause. "Come on Lil' Calum is stupid but he's not an idiot. He's not cheating on you." She sighed. "Call me back, now." That was the end of the recording.

I pulled my phone down, deleting her voicemail. I knew Calum wouldn't cheat on me but.. We didn't talk about Lance and I. Did he think I cheated on him with Lance? We were just friends. Maybe I shouldn't have invited him up to my room. But we were doing homework together. It was no big deal. I should have never posted those videos on Snapchat. It Calum was trying to get back at me by posting videos of him partying with other girls.. Then he was being a pretty shitty boyfriend.

Jackie's name popped up on my phone again. Sighing, I answered it. "Lily, you okay?"

"I guess." I murmured.

"Calum's not cheating on you."

"Can you prove that?" I asked. Jackie didn't reply. "He's not childish enough to try to make me jealous right? I mean.. He's kind of immature but he wouldn't do that."

"He was probably just drunk, taking videos. He's done it before." She was right, he had but never of him dancing with other girls.

"He still lied." I murmured.

"Lily you don't know that."

"I do. The time stamp when he read my last text to him and the time stamp for the first video.. They're only an hour and a half apart. He couldn't have gotten to the level of drunk he was at unless he had been there for an hour or more." Jackie was quiet.

"Lily you're over thinking it."

"I'm not and I don't know what to do now. He hasn't texted me. Should I text him?" I asked.

"Yes. Just ask him what's up and how his night was."

"But he's clearly been up for a while if he deleted his Snaps. He must have known I'd seen them. Why would he delete them and then not try to talk to me to explain himself."

"Boys are dumb Lil'. They don't think like we do." I sighed. "Text him, straighten this all out. Everything is going to be fine okay?"

"Okay." I repeated, feeling like my insides were being to death.

"I'll talk to you after."

"Okay." I said again. She hung up and the line went dead. I ended the call and stared back down at the pictures on the screen. Closing out the photos app, I went to my contact list. Calum's name was at the top with Jackie's on the most recently called. I was about to press the phone button for him but stopped myself. I wasn't sure if I could talk to him right now.

Instead, I went back to our conversation and typed out a simple greeting.

Hey His read receipt came up immediately. I felt nauseous as the three dots appeared for his reply.

Hi It took him an entire minute to write out Hi?

How was your night?

Can I call you?

Yes A few seconds later, It was Calum who was calling me. I almost wanted to let it ring. I didn't want to talk to him on the phone. It would almost be like talking face to face.. Sort of. Not really. I was just nervous and freaking out. I didn't want to do it. Hitting the green button, I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey babe." I was quiet. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I blurted out. "What's up." I asked, trying to calm down.

"Nothing. I have a killer hangover right now." He paused. "Jake's still asleep and.."

"Why did you lie to me?" He sighed at my outburst.

"Lil'.." He paused. "There's really no excuse."

"Then why do it? Are you mad at me?"

"Actually, yeah. Kind of." Shit. He sounded pretty angry. "You were hanging out with Lance yesterday. It was all over your Snapchat."

"So what? We're friends. We were doing homework together. I was fucking around with him taking videos, no big deal." Probably shouldn't have said I was fucking around. That was a piss poor way to explain it.

"He was in your room." Calum snapped at me. I was surprised but mostly angry at his tone.

"We're. Friends." I emphasized for him. "All of my friends come up into my room."

"He's different!" He exclaimed. "He's a guy."

"So what? I've had other guys up in my room besides you, Lance and my brother." Shittttt. Now was not the best time to bring up the past ex-boyfriends I've made out with in my room.

"I'm your boyfriend Lily and I don't want him up there with you while you're alone in the house." That's right.. He knows my parents wouldn't be home at the time Lance was over.

"Thats pretty possessive of you. Nothing. Happened. Okay? And you can't tell me what to do. You're my boyfriend, not my parents."

"Are you cheating on me?" He demanded suddenly. I scoffed.

"I should be asking the same damn thing." I muttered.

"What?" His voice was low. We were only egging each other on, making each other angrier.

"You lied to me Calum. You were at a fucking party when you said you were at home doing homework. And don't even play stupid with me asshole. Before you deleted them, there were tons of Snapchats of you dancing with other girls." He was quiet. "I can't believe you have the nerve to ask me if I'm cheating on you."

"You hangout with him all the time!"

"Fuck you Calum! We go to the same school. I was his first friend there! What's your excuse for grinding your dick on other girls asses." More silence. I huffed. "You know what.. Go fuck yourself Calum."

"Lily wait.." He said but I hit the end call button and glared at my phone angrily. He tried to call back immediately but I hit the decline button. My phone was still open on our messages and in a fit of anger, I sent him all the screenshots I had taken of his snaps.

Just because you erased them, doesn't mean I didn't see them.

After that, I turned my phone off and threw it in my backpack.

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