Just Friends

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"You're late for coffee." The Snapchat read. I laughed a little, glancing over the photo of Lance. It was at a sort of a downward angle but he still looked pretty good, which isn't common for most people. I was surprised by the beard since he kept saying he had to shave but it didn't seem to be happening. When the Snap timed out. I quickly replied with a picture of the coffee house sign outside and said,

"Here!" Before sending it and stepping inside.

Lance was at a far table towards the back. It was a booth and he currently had his hand under his chin, a small smile on his face as he looked up towards the door. He waved me over and I smiled. "Hey Lance what's up?" I said sliding into the booth across from him.

"Not much. Just.. Coffee." He says gesturing to the cappuccino with a cute design in the foam. I arched an eyebrow at it.

"What is it?" I asked tilting my head.

"I didn't want to ask the waitress but it looks like.." He pauses, turning the cup around. "A bird right?" I laughed slightly, seeing the image from a different perspective.

"Sort of yeah. Kind of looks like the Twitter bird." Lance shrugged, pulling the cup back towards him

"I didn't know what to order you so I didn't order and you have to catch up because this is my second cup already." He says, taking a sip from it before licking his lips.

"Second cup? Lance." I said rolling my eyes at him as I got the attention of a small dark haired waitress.

"Hey, you were the one that was late." I'm about to reply to him when the girl comes over, notepad in when ready to take my order. I get a caramel frappuccino with whip cream and a blueberry muffin and Lance puts in an order for a chocolate muffin.

"That will be right out for you guys." She says with a smile, heading back to the kitchen. I turn back to Lance, shaking my head at him.

"What?" He questions.

"You couldn't wait? You had to drink an entire cup of coffee before I got here?"

"I wasn't going to! But honestly I got here earlier than I thought I would order a cup and then you were late so that was weird and here I am with my second cup." I rolled my eyes again.

"Okay, all valid reasons. Why were you early?" I ask. He just shrugged.

"Guess I didn't notice the time." I nodded my head smiling a little. Lance was biting in his bottom lip, rubbing his neck. Dropping his arms down on the table he leaned in slightly, staring at me. "So, here we are. Hanging out. What do you want to talk about?" He asked.

"I don't know. What do we usually talk about?"

"Random ass shit." I laughed.

"And we can't do that now in the coffee shop?"

"We can but come on, pick a topic." I licked my lips, thinking as my eyes looked up towards the ceiling for whatever reason.

"You're in math with Maria right?" Lance leaned back in his seat and nodded. "She says you've been a real help to her which is great. She sucks at math and ever since you got here she's actually stopped failing the class." Lance laughed lightly.

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