Don't Get Caught

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I shouldn't have been angry, but I was. I shouldn't be jealous, but I am. And I should have tried talking to her instead of being a royal dick. It wasn't like I was ignoring her though. But I had lied. I wasn't doing homework. I was out at a party. It was Friday and Lily is always telling me I should go out.. I still shouldn't have lied though. I don't even know why I did. Before I could stop myself, I had sent the message.

"Calum, you're a little too sober and a whole lot of boring. Now come on." Jake said, clamping a hand down on my shoulder. I didn't look up at him, I just looked at my phone and the last message Lily sent me.

Okay, love you

I love you too. That's what I wanted to reply with but I hadn't typed out the message and I wasn't sure if I would press send. Did I love her? Hell yes. Was I mad that she was hanging out with Lance, seemingly all day? Hell yes. I guess I was more mad that she didn't tell me. I had to find out on snapchat. What was worse though, was the fact that they were in her room.

I kept thinking about Lance touching her, kissing her. Pushing her down on her bed like I had done so many times before. If I wasn't so angry, I probably would have gotten a hard on. But I was angry. Every inch of me was furious. I know she would never cheat on me and I know I should just tell her seeing him with her upset me.. But they were friends. What was I supposed to do?

"Ew. Is that my little sister." Jake said, looking over my shoulder. I shook him off and locked the screen.

"Yeah." I murmured, shoving my phone into my back pocket.

"Well tell her you love her too or whatever and let's get shitfaced."

"Let's just get shitfaced." I said turning him towards the drinks and the loud music. "She knows I love her."

"There's my man!" Jake cried out, throwing his arm around me. "Now get on my level." The blonde girl behind the counter smiled at me as we walked up. She handed Jake and I a cup of something, leaning over so we had a good view of her chest.

"You boys having fun." She winked at me.

"I am now." Jake replied. I sighed, chugging my drink. "That's more like it." Jake said, nudging me as the girl filled up my cup again.

"If he can throw them down, hopefully he can keep them down." The girl said, wrinkling her nose.

"Oh yes, he's never puked before because of alcohol. Liver of steel." Jake replied a bit sarcastically. She didn't see, to catch on to that though. I knew I had to get out of there a she pushed her boobs together, maybe to entice me. Who knows, I didn't care.

"I'll be over there getting high off my ass." I said, pointing out the back door.

"You go. Have fun." Jake encouraged. "And smile! You're putting a damper on the room." I rolled my eyes at him as I walked off. I slid open the backdoor, the smell of weed hit me immediately. It was almost pungent enough to give me a head rush.

"Aye! Calum! Come join me!" Someone loudly shouted. It was the guy with pale skin who always wore some form of tyedye something. We had smoked together on multiple occasions but I could never remember his name. I walked over to him, feeling a little bit better as he rolled a joint. "Where have you been?"

"Inside." I said, gesturing back to the door with my cup. Someone had shut it for me so the smell wouldn't hit the dancers farther in.

"You getting cross faded? Nice." He congratulated before handing me the joint and a lighter. "You hit it first." It might sound like an honor but it's really not. The joint doesn't get good until around the middle. Drinking what was left in my cup, I flicked the lighter and put it to the end of the joint. The guy watched me carefully as I put it to my lips and inhaled. Pulling back, I coughed a little and handed it to him. "What's up with you tonight?" He asked as I handed him the stick. Great.. Even a stoner could tell I was off my game?

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