Not A Date

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"Alright class that's all for today." Mr. Allen said dismissively. Sighing I grabbed up my backpack and shoved everything on my desk into it. It was a stupid idea to take Calculus as a freshman in college but I had an open slot in my schedule and calculus was at the perfect time. I was always good at math so.. Why not take it. "Wait, I forgot to mention theres a test this Friday." Immediately some of my classmates began groaning and I joined in. I was good at math, I really was but I didn't like tests as much as the next person.

Everyone was grumbling as we filed out the door and began breaking off into clusters. Some to the parking lot and others further into campus. I was heading to my car. This was my last class on a Tuesday and I was ready to head back to my dorm and relax, maybe get some homework done.

As I was pulling out my phone to send a quick text of complain to Lily, someone shouted after me. "Hey Calum!" Glancing up I found Andrea jogging towards me. I paused in the parking lot.

"What's up?" I asked arching an eyebrow at her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to help a group of us study for the test." She said gesturing back to a small group of two guys and three girls before tucking a lock of strand behind her ear. "You don't have to but well.. you are the smartest guy in our class and we would appreciate the help." Andrea I knew was a freshman like me, she sat behind me in class. Austin was a sophomore and so was Jane but I couldn't remember the names of the other three. I just knew that they were freshman as well.

"Yeah sure sounds good." Andrea smiled.

"Can I have you number then? I'll text you the details."

"Of course, yeah." She took out her phone, opening the contacts app before nodding her head. I relayed my number to her and she repeated it back to me with a smile. "Thats it." I said in affirmation.

"Awesome. I'll text you tonight then. See you later Calum!" She ran back to her friends and I watched them begin talking excitedly. Andrea glanced back at me and I waved goodbye before unlocking my car and getting in.

Later that night, I mentioned to Jake about the study group and he started laughing at me. "What?" I demanded. "It's not like it's nerdy or anything. We all really need to study for this test. It's a good thing."

"No, no it's not that. I just can't believe you fell for that crap." He continued to laugh.

"What crap?" I asked, confused.

"That crap about a study group. It's really going to be just a study date, a one-on-one with you and this Andrea girl."

"What? No it's not. She gestured to her friends."

"Yeah but I bet you ten bucks that they'll all come up with excuses to not be there for this 'study group'. Come on Calum, oldest trick in the book."

"No it's.." I stopped myself. Really? Did this really happen? Andrea doesn't seem the manipulative type and all those people really are in my math class.. What if Jake was right though? I didn't want to be sending the wrong message. "It's not a date." I repeated for my benefit.

"Sure but if it ends up just being the two of you, you owe me ten bucks and I get to punch you for cheating on my sister."

"It's not a date! And I didn't agree to that ten bucks thing."

"Sure Calum." Jake said rolling his eyes.

"It's just a group of us studying together." I mumbled but part of me couldn't help but think Jake was right. Had I just agreed to go on a date with someone unintentionally?

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