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I zoomed in slowly on Lance's face until the dog filter appeared on him. "Lance." I said, getting him to look up. He smiled slowly.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." I replied with a small laugh as the dog tongue was stuck out of his mouth.

"Then why are you laughing." Lance said, getting up and coming towards me faster than I anticipated. I squeaked a he jumped on me.

"Ahh! Lance! Get off!" I shouted as he started tickling me, making me laugh really loud.

"What are you recording!" He demanded, making a grab for my phone. I quickly locked it, hiding away the creek before shoving him off of me. He laughed, sitting down on my bed next to me. "Why do you hate me?" He asked as I showed him the video after I made him promise not to delete it.

"I don't hate you and it's funny, I like it." I replied, saving the video to my phone. Lane shook his head at me as I posted the snapchat to my story.

"Well we really should be doing homework you know. All we've done since we got to your house is eat chips and mess around on our phones."

"I think we're being very productive." Lance smirked as I grabbed up my backpack. "You're right though. Those questions for history aren't going to answer themselves."

"Only in a perfect world." Lance leaned over for his bag and I laughed a little, spotting his batman patterned boxers. "What's so funny?" He asked, taking out his binder and book. I shook my head, licking my lips as I flipped through pages. "Come on." He said, nudging me. I couldn't resist.

"So I'm guessing you really liked the Batman Vs. Superman movie." Lance seemed confused but only for a second. His face turned red as I laughed. "Nice boxers."

"I'll take that as a compliment because I actually really like Batman." I shook my head.

"My brother is on your side but Calum is a superman kind of guy."

"And how about you?" Lance asked with a small smile. I shrugged.

"More of a Marvel kind of girl." Lance just stared at me. Shutting his book quickly, he stood up.

"Friendship over. See you later." I laughed as he feigned moving for the door to leave. "But seriously.. Marvel?"

"All about the Captain America though. And I want Natasha Romanoff to beat me up. She's so badass I'd be glad to take a beating form her." Lance chuckled.

"Of course you would like her."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, pretending to be angry. Lance cleared his throat and pointed at my history book.

"So, questions?" I laughed.

"These aren't due until next week you know right?" I said as we got to work.

"Yeah but we might as well start now. We have like four days." Lance replied as I watched him write. It wasn't messy but it wasn't completely neat either. It was this nice in between. Dare I say his writing was actually pretty.

"Yeah so we have four days to slack off."

"Now is that anyway to live?" He joked.

"It's worked for me so far." Lance laughed.


Later that night, after Lance left, I was talking to Jackie on the phone when she brought up Lance. "So, hey. I saw your snapchats of you and Lance." I laughed, remembering how I used all the filters on him.

"Yeah I was just messing with him. It was funny." Jackie didn't agree with me as I laughed. "Is something wrong?" I asked her, suddenly worried.

"No it's just.." She paused. "I don't know. You two looked like you could have been a couple."

"But we're not." I replied, confused.

"I know but seeing those videos without much context.. I mean I could show some random person who doesn't know either of you and they'd probably think you were together."

"Why?" I questioned.

"You we in your room first of all."

"So? That's not really a problem. It's not like the door was closed or locked."

"That's not what matters. You two were alone, in your room and acting very coupley." I frowned. I didn't like where this was going. "Was Calum jealous? Maybe I'm just overthinking this." Calum? I checked my phone for a text back from him. Still no new notifications. When had he stopped texting me? Did he do that because of the snapchats? My heart started racing in my chest.

"I.. I don't know. He stopped texting me a while back."

"Oh." I quickly opened my phone to the text messages. He stopped replying around 3:30. I was with Lance then. I glanced down at his read receipt and bit down on my bottom lip. "Lily?" Jackie called out.

"Hold on." I murmured, going to the Snapchat app. Heading to my story, I looked at the time stamp for my first Snap with Lance. 3:15. My heart sank a little. If Calum was jealous or angry though.. Wouldn't he have just said something to me?

"Lily?" Jackie called out again. I put the phone back to my ear.

"I'm here." I said a little breathlessly.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I sighed.

"I just checked when Calum stopped replying to me which was at 3:30." I paused. "I posted the first Snap of Lance at 3:15." Jackie was quiet. Maybe she was letting it sink in. Or she was trying to think of something to say.

"It could be nothing." She offered. I sighed. "Just text him? I'm probably just thinking too far into this. Guys don't usually do that. They're not really good at thinking." I laughed in spite of my distress. "I'm sure everything is fine. He probably just forgot to reply."

"Yeah, he does that sometimes."

"Then it's fine. Just ask him what's up." I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah, I will."

"Atta girl. Well, I should go take a shower before ten otherwise my mom will yell at me." I smiled a little.

"Don't drown."

"I'll try not to. Text you when I get out."

"Bye Jackie." Hanging up, I flopped onto my back on my bed and sighed. Calum wouldn't really be angry about that right? He would just text me. It wasn't a big deal. Lance and I were just hanging out. I would do the same kind of thing if I was with Calum... That's when I saw the problem. I have put Snapchat filters on my boyfriend like I did with Lance. I sat up quickly, texting Calum.

Hey, you haven't replied for a while. Everything okay? I was about to put my phone down when I saw that he had read the text. I patiently waited for a reply. The three little dots appeared and my anticipation grew.

Everything's fine. I pursed my lips. Short. Simple. To the point. Was he angry? Or did only girls do that when they were angry.

Okay, just wanted to make sure. I miss you 😘

Miss you too. Emoticons. He didn't use an emoticon. I sighed not knowing what else to say. He wasn't giving me anything to work with, not that that was a problem before.

Can I call you?

Not now. I have homework. Ill text you later.

Okay, love you

He read the message but never responded.

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