HMH|1.Melody White

86 7 0

Danielle Campbell as Melody White

Blood. Just blood coming out of this asshole's dead body, I brought my knife up to my face and just stare at the blood and laugh.

"Stupid werewolves thinking they rule the god damn world!" I said with anger. I step out of the cell leaving the cell door open so those damn asses can come and see that their weak buddy is dead.

I walk out the warehouse and I open my car door but I look at the warehouse then the lighter in my hand "Why not play with them?" I said to myself.

I walk back to the warehouse I pour the gasoline around the warehouse then I went to the front door. I heard howls I smirk.

"Stupid dogs!" I yelled out loud for them to hear I then flick the round thingy and fire came out and I drop it on the gasoline liquid.

I look around and I see more wolfs wow! More dogs to burn up. "No!" I heard a girl scream I roll my eyes and got in my car and drove away.

I park my car and I got out and walk in my house. I live in a mansion but I live alone. Careless I know but whatever I'm a hunter and I can take them down.

I walk to my room. I took off my jacket and I walk to the bathroom and I showered. I got out and I just put on a boy shorts and a tank top.

I got on my bed, slipping myself in the covers letting the darkness take over.

--271 words--
Edited 1/30/2016

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