HMH|4.Beautiful Name(XB)

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I couldn't find her anywhere. So I walk in the pack house, people still crying cause of the lose. I walk up to my room. And, I went to sleep.





Ugh! I got up and throw the alarm clock across the room. But it still Beeps! Ugh! I got up and walk the bathroom and shower.

I got out of the bathroom and wear a t-shirt and boy short. I walk down the stairs and I decided to go to my mate's house.

I strip my clothes off and shift into my black wolf. I ran to her house, I shift back into my human form and put my clothes back on.

I open the door, it wasn't lock! What the hell!? Is she trying to get herself killed? I look around it was the same how it was last night.

I walk up to her room and her scents hits me. I look around no one, ran downstairs opening doors looking for her but no sign of her!

"Mate is gone!?" Zan said "I guess so." I told him and he whimpers in sadness. I walk up to room once again.

I sat down on her bed, then suddenly a blur of clouds starts covering up my eyes, tears come streaming down my cheeks.

I laugh at myself for crying, I wipe my tears and got up to leave but something caught my eye. I walk up to her desk. There was an ID.

I pick it up, it read "Name:Melody White Age:18" that's a beautiful name. Melody but why is she a hunter.

I put the ID in my pocket and I left the room walking down the stairs leaving the house. I walk back to my territory but on the way there I see a shadow.

Then, that scent hits me "Mate is here! I can feel her." Zan said. I follow it, and it was the shadow. I wrap my arms around her waist.

Then, sparks are flying she then push me and turns around. She was wearing a mask I took it off and it was her. She glares at me "Don't glare at me!" I said in my Alpha tone.

"Ugh! It's you again!?" She said throwing her arms in the air dramatically. "Yes it's me." I said then she just glares "Don't tell anyone I was here!" She said.

She starts walking pass me but I grab her arm and spin her to face me. I smash my lips into hers, I let go of her arm and wrap my arms around her.

She then wraps her hands around my neck, I then pinned her on the tree continuing kissing her. I leave trail of kisses down her neck then she moans I found the spot where I'm suppose to mark her.

She then wrap her legs around my waist and still kissing me. Then, we pull away for air "Why do I always give in?" She asked herself "Cause you can't resist." I told her then she looks down blushing.

I left her chin up with my fingers looking into her brown eyes "Don't ever hide your blush from me." I said then she starts blushing like a tomato.

She gets down "I...I...I g-got to go." She said. She starts walking away but I wrap my arms around her waist from behind.

"No! Don't leave." I said she removes my arms from her waist and she starts walking then running in full speed.

I just watch her leave, I sigh and walk in the pack house. Everyone looks at me "Why do you smell like a hunter?" My beta, Liam asks I rub my neck everyone just looks at me.

"Ummm....I...Ummmm..." I said my sister then raise her eyebrow without knowing I was blushing "Oh my god!" My sister said she starts jumping up and down.

Then, couple seconds later she stops and her eyes widen "No way! That means!" She said then she gasps "Oh lord! Are you going to reject her?" She asked.

I shook my head then she huffs and walk away while everyone is just confuse, I walk to my room locking my door so no one can bother me.

I lay on my bed just thinking about Melody then the darkness takes over.

--727 words--
Edited 1/30/2016

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