HMH|16.I'm A Hybrid!?(MW)

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I pulled away from Xander "Ummm Xander where's the old man who talked to me?" I asked then he pulls me to his office. The old man was sitting right there.

He stand up, he look just like my mom. I ran to his arms and hug him "Why?" I said tears coming down my cheeks "I'm so sorry Melody." He said.

"No! I'm sorry, I was being rude to my own uncle." I said I pulled away and wipe away my tears "Uncle can I take this off?" I asked pointing at the necklace.

He pulls me out the office and out the pack house and outside "Okay now, take it off." He said I took it off then a flash pain is what I felt.

I fell down to my knees "Help me!" I cried "Melody don't fight it just let do what it wants to do." My uncle said and I nod.

Next thing I knew I was hungry for blood "Blood." I said my throat hurt so bad. I hold my neck "Uncle my throat it hurts so bad!" I cried.

He comes walk towards me "Go ahead." He said instead of his neck, I grab his wrist and bite it. I suck on it for a while and then I pulled away.

"Woah!" Xander said "What?" I said he took out his phone and hand it to me. Red! My eyes were now red no brown! "What the h-" I cut off by pain.

I fell down once again, I heard bones cracking and popping. I was slightly low on the ground I look down paw! No feet!

I look at my uncle and Xander they were shock. "Okay Melody baby, I'm going to help you shift back okay?" Xander said.

I gave a wolf nod, "Think about your human form and then you'll shift." He said. I did what he said and I shift back. He hands me a shift, I put it on. It smells like him.

"Melody don't freak out okay?" My uncle said I nod "Your dad was a hybrid and your mom was a witch." He said wait did I just heard that right.

"You're a hybrid dear." He said "I'm a hybrid!?" I said with that darkness consumed me.....

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