HMH|3.Moving Away(MW)

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"Let go of me!" I said but he ignores me and smash his lips into mine. It was a rough and want kiss, when his lips touch mines it felt like fireworks are popping. I try to pull away but I couldn't.

So, I gave up and kissed him. I couldn't believe it that I did that. He let's go of both of my arms and he wraps his arms around my waist. Then, my hands found their way up to his neck.

He licks my bottom lip for entrance and I let him!? I let him slip his tongue in my mouth!!!! What the hell is wrong with me!?

His tongue explore every inch of my mouth. Then, we pulled away for air we stare at each other's eyes like our life's depend on it.

He then flips us with him on top of me. For some reason I wanted to punch him but a part of me didn't. So I let him do whatever he want.

I look at his eyes and it show love and lust. He then starts kissing down my neck, he kissed a part of my neck and shoulder I moan. I couldn't believe I did that.

I could feel him smirk, then he starts kissing in my jawline then back to my lips. My hands then went up to his hair and pull it, he groans but continue to kiss me.

But then when he starts kissing my neck, I push him off of me. I got up and start running downstairs, I hear him chasing after me.

I look around where to hide. Hide!? Melody White are you insane!? I then saw a kitchen knife. I pick it up and point it at him.

He puts his hands up in surrender mode but then he smirks. I look at me hands, they were shaking but why? They never shake when I'm holding a weapon.

I then glare at him "What did you do to me?" I asked he pulls the kitchen knife away from me again just like what he did to the other knife.

He pulls me into his arms. His face is in the crook my neck, I could feel him breathing on my neck. "Don't ever point a knife at me!" He said but it was more like a order.

"Don't tell me what to do!" I said with anger but he laughs "Listen up love, your just a hunter a human while I'm a Alpha a werewolf and you're my mate so I can tell you what to do!" He said.

I push him away and ran out the back door. He chase after me then we're in the woods. I stop and turn around, he stops also. I smirk then I jump up to the tree.

Swinging myself to tree to tree but of course he couldn't climb. So he chase after me but when I reach his territory, I swing myself to the last tree.

I look down to look for him. But, of course he couldn't see me cause of the leaves blocking he looks around but no hope. He then went inside the pack house.

I jump down and ran back home. I walk inside and pack everything since he knows where I live he's gonna look for me.

I put all my clothes in my suitcase while I put all my weapons in my bag. I put everything in my car and I wear a black jacket, black shirt, black jeans, and black shades.

I got in my car and drove away to my backup house.

--603 words--
Edited 1/30/2016

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