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I woke up by the stupid sun, I look down and I see Melody still asleep I pull her closer to my chest. "Aww! She's so cute when she's sleeping!" Zan said. I laugh.

Then, she wakes up and she looks at me "Good morning Xan." She said "Xan?" I asked she giggles "I thought how about I gave you a nickname." She said I chuckle "Okay." I said.

She gets up "I'm going to go and take a shower." She said. She got up and walk to the bathroom.

20 minutes later

She came out wearing a tank top and shorts. "I'm going downstairs." She said and she left. I got up and went and shower.

I finish and I got out, I put on a black v-neck shirt that had a sleeve that went up to my elbows, and dark blue jeans.

I walk downstairs there I see my mate and Avery cooking breakfast together. Kyle was sitting down watching Avery.

I sat next to him and watch Melody, then she turns and looks at me "Oh! You're here." She said I chuckle "Why I'm not suppose to be here?" I asked she rolls her eyes.

"Here!" She place a plate of bacon and eggs. I start eating then she joins with me. After, I was finish eating I place my plate in the sink.

I was about to wash when Melody took it from me "Nope! I'm going to wash it." She said I shook my head "I will do it." I said.

"No!" She said then she starts washing it. When she finally finish, Kyle, Avery, Melody and I went to the movies.

We were in line buying tickets, "Next." The lady said we walk up "Four tickets please." Melody said. "Okay." She hand us the tickets and we pay for it.

We got pop corns and drinks, "What are we watching?" Melody asked "#horror." I said then she and Avery gulps "You didn't tell us were watching a scary movie!" Melody said....

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