HMH|13.Do You Remeber Me?(MW)

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He kiss me, ohh! I miss his lips. The way sparks would appear when he touches me or kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck, I kiss back.

He wraps his arms around my waist. Then, he walk us to a tree with the tree behind my back for support, I wrap legs around his waist, he kisses down to my neck.

He then found the spot, I moan then he kisses back up to my lips again. We pulled away for air, I'm still wrap around Xander's waist. "Why don't we go back?" He asked I nod.

He walk us back with me still wrapped around him, I rest my head by his neck. I inhale his smell, he keeps on walking. With his inhuman speed, we got there fast.

Then, a girl who looks like Xander but a female version came running. "Hi my name is Katherine, I'm that A-hole's little sister." She pointed to Xander.

I got down from Xander, but he wraps her arms around my waist keeping me very close to him making sure no one, I mean no one touches me.

"Hi I'm Melody." I said she smiles "That's a unique name." She said then an old man came "What's your last name?" He asked I smiled "It's White, Melody White." I said.

His eyes widen "Melody do you remember me?" He asked I raise my eyebrow I shook my head "What about your mom and dad?" He asked my fist clenches at the memory.

I cross my arms front of my chest "What about them? Huh? Why should I remember them?" I said there was a hint of anger in my voice. "Melody it's a yes or no question so answer it and don't give me attitude now." He said.

I push Xander away and walk up to the old man "Listen up and listen well, those jerks left me on the fucking streets. I was abandon from my own parents!" I said before he could answer I cut him off.

"No one even cared to pick me up and take me to their homes! I had live on the streets and survive, I had to work at a very young age old man! I finally got enough money for me to get school supplies to go school! And, that's not the only pain I felt in my life time!" I said.

Tears came down, I cleared my throat "I was raped at age 14! By my own boyfriend actually ex-boyfriend now, he knew the troubles I was going through! And, now let me ask you a question why didn't you guys look for me? Huh? Why did they left me?" I said.

Tears kept on coming down, Xander then pull me into his arms...

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