HMH|6.You Were Born For Me(XB)

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I watch her as she start going to sleep "It's okay Melody, I'm here for you." I said and then her eyes close shut and small soft snores were made.

"Aww! She's snoring." Zane said "What a cute moment." I said and he nods. I got up from the bed walking out the bed. I close the door, and I walk back downstairs.

I see Joe and Mike were calm down and they were sitting down on the couch "So?" Joe said "Have 2 people guard her house." I said in my Alpha tone.

And, they nod walking out the door. I took a look around then, I left the house. I walk back to my pack house.

I decided to have a pack meeting, I'm going to tell everyone about my mate. I look at the time it was 8.

I walk to the meeting room and everyone was there. All eyes were on me "So what's the meeting for?" Liam asked.

"Okay, I found my mate." I said and then, there was cheering "But, she's a hunter." I said then gasps were sounded everywhere "It's okay if she's a witch or vamp I accept her." Grace, one of the elders said.

"Yeah me too." "Me too" "Also me!" People started accepting her, I feel a smile coming "Okay, I'm going to need 2 warriors to follow me." I said.

Then, Alex and Brent came out following me. I walk them to Melody's house, then I stop when we were there.

I turn to look at them "Okay, this is your Luna's house so I want you guys to watch so if a rogue so witch or someone tries to attack you report to me and then attack okay?" I said.

They both nod "Yes, Alpha!" They said in unison and they walk back to the pack house. I walk in her house, closing the door.

I walk up to her room and I see her outside looking outside staring at the stars. I hide behind the wall I heard she sigh "God, why is my life messed up?" She said still looking up at the stars.

"Why am I even born when those jerks didn't want me?" She said and sigh again. I then walk up to her wrapping my arms behind her.

Sparks went flying "You were born for me." I said then she turns around and looks at me "How did you know my name?" She asked I shrugged "I just know." I said.

She rolls her eyes "Hello I'm Melody and you are?" She said I smirk "Xander and you're mine." I said crashing my lips to her.

--443 words--

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