HMH|24.Meet Melody's Birth Parents(MW)

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I got up and wipe my tears away "Let's settle this!" I said. I walk out but Xander stops me "No! You're not going." He said.

"I'm going and that's final." I said but he stops me once again "No, I'm not going to lose you again." He said.

He pull me to our room and he lock the door leaving me in the room. I walk to the bed and I pull the covers over me and I continue to cry my heart out.

All the pain, anger, the emotions I held on had finally coming out. I got up and I went to the bathroom rinsing my face then I change into my hunter clothes.

I got all my weapons, I put on my red lipstick. I look at myself in the mirror, a smirk appear on my lips then the door opens revealing Avery.

She also change "Wanna bust some ass?" She asked I laugh "Let's go sister." I said and I hand her some of my weapons and she takes it.

We walk down the stairs then we look the window there was a lot of people I turn to Avery "You go to the front door and I will be up in the tree." I said and she nods.

She left and I took out a bottle that can mask my smell. I walk up the stairs and I open the window and I climb on the tree. I sat down on the tree branch.

I took out my gun and I wait for the Walter twins side to make a move. "Where's Melody?" Maximum said "She's gone." Xander said.

Brandon laughs "Come on, we know she's here." He said then Maximum nods in agreement "Look she's not here so get off of my territory!" Kyle said.

"But we wanted give her a present." The twins said they signal a member then two with a brown bag over their hands came and they were tied up.

They reveal their faces, I wanted to run to them and cry into their arms "Guys meet Melody's birth parents, Mary and Mark White." Maximum said with a smirk.

--360 words--
Just one more chapter!

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