HMH|9.The Pain(MW)

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Yellow and orange filled up in my room, I look outside. That's right right now the sunrising, I let out a sigh.

I got up and went to my bathroom and I strip off my clothes. I went my shower and I turn on the hot water.

I put on my mango and orange scent shampoo on my hair, I rinse my hair. I put on conditioner, I rinse it off.

I put soap, all over my body. I rinse it off, I turn off the hot water and I got out of the shower. I wrap my towel around my body.

Another one for my hair, I walk out my bathroom and went to my wardrobe. An outfit for me(her outfit is up there, sorry I suck at description)

I put it on and I walk downstairs, I grab my car keys and I walk out the door. I walk the steps but then I heard something.

I look around, nothing. Weird, nah it might be just a rabbit. I mean I'm living in the woods. I walk out the woods.

I reach a road and then, I saw my baby. I walk up to it and I slip in my key to open it. I open the door and I got in. I close the door.

I slip in my key to start the car. I put on my seatbelt and I start driving. I decided to go to my favorite place. McDonald's.

I walk in and I saw the person who I didn't want to see. Xander. I shook my head and continue to walk.

I walk to the cashier, it was a guy must be around my age, he was cute but not cute like Xander.

Ugh! Snap out of it Melody! "Hello what would a cute little hottie like you want to order?" He asked.

Gross! He's trying to flirt with me! "I would to have hotcakes and the McEgg muffin." I said.

He nod "That will be $7.65" He said wait that's not how much it's suppose to be "I'll pay the rest." He said and he gave a wink.

I heard a growl, I look to see who it came from. I should have thought, Xander. I see his friends trying to calm him down.

"Ummm no thanks." I said and I gave him $20. And, I walk to a table and waited for my food.

I look around and I look at Xander, he was talking to his friends. Then, a girl came out of nowhere and start sitting on his lap.

My fist start clenching, she trace her finger on his chest. I wanted to go up there ripe her heart out.

And, then he tries to get her off but she wraps her arms around her neck. Then, she did it.

It broke my heart, she kiss him and he just let her. "764." My number. I got up and grab my food.

I sat down at a different table not wanting to look at him. My heart was broken. My mind kept on replaying on what happened.

Every time it did, piece by piece my heart was already breaking apart. It wasn't the same heart broken I felt when I found out I was rape.

And, when I found out I was abandon. It was different and it was very painful. "Xandie baby, wanna go some where private?" I heard the girl asked.

He didn't say anything and she pulled him away to somewhere. Then, a couple hours later when I was eating. I felt a pang! in my heart.

I start holding where my heart was, the pain got worser than ever worser when she kissed him.

I was on the floor then one of his friends came to me "Are you okay?" He asked with worry "I'm fine thank you for asking." I said with a weak smile.

Then, he walks back to his place. I got up but my legs were weak and my head felt like everything was spinning.

I threw my plate away and open the door start walking to the parking lot then I heard an arm on my shoulder.

I turn, it's his friends they all gave me worry looks "Are you really okay?" He asked again before I could answer his question.

A moan cut me off, I look to my left and I saw it. I wish I never saw that. Again a huge pang! came to my heart.

I fall down to my knees and his friends became even more worried. I start crying. I got up and start running to my car.

I got in and I close my door and lock it. I start crying, it hurt really bad. That pain was still there it never left.

I look up see what's going on and his friends were now yelling at the girl and Xander. I start my car.

Tearing still coming down, I start driving but I took a quick glance and I see Xander looking at me but I look away and drove away. Still crying...

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