HMH|17.Can I Mark You?(MW)

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White walls, lights oh wait! I'm in the hospital. Ugh! I hate hospitals. I got up and I see Xander and my uncle was sleeping on the chairs.

I got up and went outside. The wind hit my face, it felt good. I went for a walk. I then saw a lake, I ran to it and sat on the edge. I start playing with the water.

I heard a snap, I got up and got a stick in my hand ready hit someone. Then, Xander came out and he starts laughing "Baby you do know no one is going to die cause of a stick." He said.

I then blush in embarrassment "S-So I-I d-d-on't care." I said. He walks up to me and take the stick away from me "Did you know right now, reminds me when we first met." He said.

I laugh and nod "That was the day, he came in my room in the middle of the night." I said remembering that day.

"Yup, and the day I found my mate." He said and kisses me. We sat down "Xander what are mates?" I asked.

"Mates are like soul mates for us wolfs it's our other half. It's really important to us, since we made for each other." He said "Like you are made for me." He said.

"Anything els?" I asked "Well, there is a mating process." He said my eyes widen. I knew what it was. It's where they claim each other like mark each other and they mate.

"No need explain, I know what it is." I said then he laughs and his face went to my neck inhaling my scent "You smell so good." He said.

Then, he kisses me. I kiss back I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. Then, he hovers over me continuing on kisses and then he kisses down my neck.

He reach the spot I moan I pull his hair "Melody can I mark you?" He asked and I nod then his sharp teeth show. Then, his teeth sink in my skin.

Pain was the first thing I felt but replace with pleasure. He pulls away and looks at me in the eye "I'm glad you're my mate." He said I giggle "I'm glad I'm your mate too!" I said....

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