HMH|20.Brandon Walter II(MW)

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I walk in the pack house, going to Xander's room. Xander was still at the hospital telling the pack what to do so like he has a meeting.

I walk in the bathroom rinsing the blood off. I put a clean shirt on which is Xander's. I came out of the bathroom and then, a cloth was covering my mouth.

I was tired of all these shit. I flip the guy over and I bend his leg making cry in pain. I ran out the room and went to Xander but then a guy was in front of me.

I kick him, he falls down the flights of stairs then, a guy behind was holding me. Oh bad idea, I bit his hand then I flip him and punch him. I went downstairs, the guy was on the ground I kick his balls.

I then ran to Xander, but then I was being hold by someone. All the pack members came out, and saw me with a guy.

"Let go of her!" Xander said "No!" The guy said. I elbow the guy in the stomach and did a spin kick, I grab him by the collar "Did the Walter twins sent you here?!" I asked with anger.

"Damn they were right, you look hot when you're angry." The guy said I drop him and I step on his ankle "Answer the god damn question!" I said.

My hunter mode has already kicked in "No!" He said I then twist his ankle, he cries in pain. Mmm... Pain? I miss this.

I smirk I grab him by the neck "Answer the question." I said nothing he left me no choice. I snap his neck off. I wipe the blood on Xander's shirt "Aww! What a shame he didn't last even long." I said.

"He's really weak you know Brandon." I said and he come out of the shawdow, "Impressive Melody, I guess you've improve a lot." He said.

I bow down "Thank you and now tell me what the hell you want!" I said he laughs "I already told you, I want you." He said. He walks toward me, I stay still.

Then, he leans in to my ear "Next time, I will have in my arms but today I'm going to let it slide" He said then he disappear....

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