HMH|5.It's Okay I'm Here For You(MW)

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I walk away, for some reason my heart was hurting when I walked away from him. I then start running away. I kept on going, not caring if I get caught.

I reach my small cottage house which I call my 'backup house'. I open the door and walk in, turning around closing the door and locking it.

I took off my jacket and my boots, I walk upstairs to my room going straight to the bathroom for a shower. I put on my mango and orange scent shampoo in my hair.

Washing it away then putting on the conditioner, then washing it away. I put on soap all over my body then rinsing it away. I got out the shower.

Getting my towel and wrap it around my body and getting it another for my hair. I walking out my bathroom going to my wardrobe taking out my undergarments, running shorts and a tank top.

I took off my towel from my hair and blow dry my hair. A few minutes later, I walk downstairs to watch tv, but then people talking then I hear his voice.

"Dude! You're mate is a hunter!" A voice said "Wait that means a hunter is our Luna!?" Another voice said "Guys just clam down I can fix it." He said.

I walk down "What the hell are you doing here dogs!?" I said these two guys I don't know growl, I roll my eyes then he starts walking towards me.

I start walking backwards wait what the hell is happening to me! Then, he pulls me into his arms, he brings his face to my neck, I hear him breathing on my neck.

"Mine!" He said with a growl I push him away "I'm no ones!" I said with those words, the bad memories came rushing through my head.

A blur of clouds came and I felt a tear coming down my cheek no! I can't be! I turned around making my back facing them.

I wipe away my tears but more came, I turn around "Leave!" I said and I walk up to room. I ran to bed and bring my pillow to my face, crying my eyeballs out.

Then, I heard footsteps coming closer. I got up to see who the fucker was, and it was him "What's Melody?" He asked wait! How does he know my name?

I didn't even tell him, my name yet! And, I don't even know his name. "How do you know my name?" I asked but he ignores my question.

He pulls me into a hug, I wanted to push him away but it just...felt so right, for some reason I felt really safe with him like I could trust him.

I hug him back and not even knowing that I'm crying in his chest, he starts stroking my back calming me down.

I let out a tired yawn, he then laid by my side watching go to sleep. Then, of course darkness came and took over "It's okay Melody I'm here for you." I heard him saying that.

--516 words--

Updating on weekends.





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