HMH|2.Xander Black

67 9 1

Dylan O'Brien as Xander Black

That bitch killed him, she even burn down the fucking warehouse! I walk away from the burning fire warehouse and decided to go for a run.

As, I was running I smell something so sweet. I went behind a tree and shift back to my human form. I put on my boy shorts and follow the scent.

It lead to a mansion, I see a screen door open from upstairs. I jump up and I walk in the house. "Mate is here!" Said my wolf, Zan.

As, I walk up the stairs. I show weapons on the floor and a silver knife. Curious take over my mind. I open a door and then I was shock.

Cells.....just cells.....silver bars, silver everything. "Xander please don't reject mate!" Zan beg. But I ignored him. I open another door.

It reveal a girl sleeping on the bed "Mate!" Zan said. I walk up to her, I was going to move her hair out of her face but she then open her eyes.

Her gorgeous eye then wide in shock but she cover it with emotionless. She got up moving away from me. "Wow who knew the devil love me so much." She said.

I was confuse for a minute but then I walk up to her. She then pull out a knife "Take another step your life is over dog!" She threaten me. Did she just call me dog!?

I got real angry. I took start walk towards her, I pull the knife away from her. I pull her into my arms "Never ever call me dog!?" I said in my Alpha tone.

She push me away "Wow an Alpha my night just got even more better!" She said with a smirk. Wait that smirk! She's the hunter!?!

"You're the hunter aren't you?!" I said with anger she laughs "He was so weak! He couldn't even take down me, a hunter!" She said.

"Don't hurt her!" Zan said "Shut up Zan!" I said with anger and blocked him out. I pinned her up on the wall. Sparks was what I feel when our skins made contact.

She looks at me with shock "What the fuck was that!" She said "Why? You like it, love?" I said with a grin on my face. Then, she shook her head.

She kicks me and she starts punching me. I flip us over I slap then she flips us over. She starts punching me again. Before she could punch me, I grab both her arms.

She tries to get out my hold "Let go of me!" She said but I ignore her and kiss her. It was a rough and want kiss, she tries to pull away but then she gives in and kisses back.

--464 words--
Edited 2/5/2016

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