HMH|10.Eight Mens On My Doorsteps(MW)

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I drove away crying. I park my car and start running in the woods. I open my door, slamming the door and going to my room.

Again, slamming the door and I went to my pillow and I was on the ground with my pillow and I start crying.

It hurts so bad that I felt like I was going to die. I walk to my wardrobe and I change into a baggy shirt and shorts.

I put my hair in a messing bun. I walk downstairs to the kitchen I cooked up some food. And, I went outside.

"You boys can come out." I yelled and two tall figures came out of the dark. There are one of Xander's.

"Here." I said handing them the plates. They took it and they shove it in the mouth. I smile they were hungry.

"Alex!Brent!" That voice it was Xander's. They gave the plates and they ran. I walk in my house and I wash the plates.

I let them dry and I cooked up some cupcakes and Mac and cheese. I sat down the floor and start watching tv.

I was watching some Fast & Furious series. Right now, I'm such a fat ass. There was a knock on my door.

I got up and walk up to the door. I open it and a group of men welcomed me with a cloth.

I walk backwards "Come with us." One of them said I didn't say anything I then turn and grab my sliver guns.

I had one in my left and another in my other. I point at them right now, I'm in Hunter mode. "Get out!" I said.

They stay still, I took that they wanted to die. I shot a gun behind, five in front, one on the stairs.

And, left one remaining. He had a fear face on, since I took down 7 guys with only two guns.

I grab him by the leg and I drag him down the basement. I chain him up, I grab my whip. I walk up to him.

"Who sent you here?" I said no answer "I asked you a fucking question." I said nothing. I hit him and he lets out a groan.

"Answer it!" I said "Brandon." He said. I drop my whip and I went upstairs locking the door.

I slide down to the floor, no no no. He can't be alive! He's dead....

--406 words--

Ohhh! Wonder who is Brandon?





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