HMH|8.Please Let Me Forget About Her(XB)

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She stands up facing away from me "I'm sorry, I-I-I can't." She said I got up and start walk to the door "I'm sorry, I'm re-."

I slam the door, I walk down the stairs and I slam the front door. I shifted into my dark black wolf and I start running to my territory.

As I was running, I could hear her crying "Mate." Zan whimper I shift back into my human form.

I grab a boy shorts from the bushes and put it on. I walk in the pack, I walk up to room.

I slam my door, I was angry she didn't want me! But then why did she kiss me back? Why did she made me like this?!

I start ripping up the couch, clothes picture frames, books, everything that was in my way.

My door was then flung open, Liam and my sister walk in. My sister's face was written in horror and Liam was just shock.

"Go run it off!" Liam said in his Beta tone, I walk pass both of them and I start wreaking up the living room.

Screams and begs were sounded  up the room. I then walk out the door, shifting back into my wolf.

I start running in the forest, I stop by a lake. I shift back into my human form and put on my shorts.

I sat down and look up the sunrise, I close my eyes and I let out a sigh "Please let me forget all of this and also let me forget her." I said

And, I walk back home....

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