HMH|11.Brandon Walter I(MW)

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I got up and ran to Xander's territory. When I step on their ground, a siren was made. Everyone was outside now.

Xander came walking towards me "What are you doing here hunter?" He asked there was a hint of anger but little bit of worry.

"I need your help." I said I fell down on my knees crying, tears couldn't stop coming out. "Please I need your help." I said.

Then, that girl came "Sorry but what makes you think we'll help an ugly bitch like you?" She asked I got up and smiled.

Everyone look at me like I was insane right now for smiling "You're right what did make me think to ask you guys for help?" I said.

I shook my head "Never mind." I said and I walk away "Xandie is that the bitch who you said you wish you'll forget about." She said.

Wait, he wanted to forget about me. I start running but then I was stop. And, of course I was still close to Xander's territory only few centimeters away.

He was right there, in front of me. Alive still breathing. "Long time no see babe." He said with a smirk.

I start running back to Xander. I scream as I heard him following me. I was again on Xander's land. Before he could ask me why.

Brandon spoke up "Aww! Come one babe I just came back. Where's my hug?" He asked I walk backwards then I fell down.

People looking at me then Brandon. "Leave me alone Brandon." I said tears came back when I remember what he did to me.

"Brandon? Hmmm what happen to Brandy?" He asked I glared at him "You don't deserve to be called that!" I yelled.

I got up and start walk up to him. "Don't you remember what you did to me!?" I said with anger. Xander was standing there curious and angry.

"I know what I did, Mel." He said "But p-" I cut him off "No buts! Walter!" I said.

"You raped me! You were drunk and you knew I wasn't really for that shit!" I said then I pulled away from Brandon.

I was now in Xander's arms, I push him away "You fucking touch me!" I said with anger "Why?" He said in his Alpha tone.

"Don't use that tone on me!" I said "Look you're on my land and you're my mate so I can use that tone!" He said.

Gasps were made "Mate? You're kidding me right! After, you bang that slut. You call me your mate!" I said.

He didn't say anything this time I laugh "Cat got your tongue?" I said then I look at Brandon.

"And, you! If you bring a black suited men on my doorstep your already going to straight to your grave!" I said.

And, I walk away...

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