HMH|23.They're Back(MW)

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"Ahh!" I screamed "shshsh!" People said "Shut up!" I yelled at them and they stay quiet Avery laughs "Wow! I like you." She said "Aww, I like you too." I said.

We start laughing. Couple hours later, "Ahh!" Avery and I both scream! 2 hours later. The movie finally finish we both ran out the door.

I went on my knees "Thank you lord! I'm still alive!" I said "Thank you Moon Goddess!" Avery said we both look at each other and both start laughing our ass off.

"Okay come on ladies, let's go." Kyle said and Xander nods. Avery and I got up and we start walking to the car.

We finally arrived at the house. I got out and Xander did too. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and we walk in the house.

I ran to our room and I went for a shower, a couple minutes later or so. I walk out and I change into some baggy shirt and shorts.

I went downstairs with a happy face but it soon vanish, a pack member walk in with a letter, there was a rose stamp.

I ran to them and took the letter. They look at me weirdly, I shook my head and open the letter. I felt like I was going to faint.

It read....

Oh Mel, are you that stupid? Do you really think we couldn't find you? Ah! Wrong, actually the people you're staying with knows us very very well.

And oh! Tell Kyle the Walter twins said hello and by the time you're finish reading this you're going to be angry and scare.

Don't worry, we know everything about you. So just give up and come back to us, we promise we won't hurt you.

Your truly,
Brandon and Maximum

I ripped the paper and up. I glare at Kyle, I walk up to him "You son of a bitch!" I yelled his eyes darken "Don't cuss at me!" He said in his Alpha tone.

I laugh "Do you really think that Alpha would work on me!?" I said I laugh once again but there wasn't humor in it.

"I can't believe you, Xander! You decided that we should stay with them, when they fucking know the Walter twins!" I said.

"Wait, you're talking about Brandon and Walter?" Kyle asked "Yes!" I said then he went paled "I thought they were dead?" He said.

I laugh and I sat down on the couch "They're not, Ky they were always alive." I said then tears came rushing down.

"They're alive, I made sure they were dead." I said tears couldn't stop coming down "They were alive all this time!" I said.

"Watching me, every move I made they watch me." I said Xander sat down by me and wrap his arm around my shoulder.

"Shshsh, it's okay Melody." He said I move his arm and got up "No! Stop saying that! It's never okay, every fucking time you say that, it become worse!" I said.

Then, a pack member come rushing in "Alpha, the Twins they're back and they want her." He pointed at me.

I fell to my knees and cried....

--530 words--

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