HMH|19.Uncle's Dead Body(MW)

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No he can't be alive! Wait what am I talking about. I should've known,  if Brandon was alive then he should be alive too!

Three? Uncle? Oh my god! I ran out the door going to the hospital, there I see my uncle's dead body, I just found a family member and he's dead!

I fell down on my knees crying "No!" I said "You can't be dead." I said. I brought my uncle's head to my lap "You can't be!" I said tear steaming down my cheeks.

Xander came in and saw the body I look at him "He's not dead right?" I asked he had a frown and he shook his head "I'm sorry Melo-" I cut him off.

"You're lying! He's not dead!" I scream I look down at my uncle "Come on say something uncle, say that it's all just a act!" I said.

By now people are staring, Xander kneel down he grab my chin to look at him. "Melody he's dead, he's gone." He said he pulled me into his chest.

"No!" I said and I continue to cry. I pulled away and look my uncle I sniff to stop crying "Thanks for telling me about my mom and dad." I said "Thanks for everything you have done in short period of time you have done for me." I said.

I got up and walk out the hospital, I look up at the sky and screamed "Fuck you Walter twins!" I then walk to pack house.

--252 words--
Brandon and Maximum Walter as The Dolan twins(Grayson and Ethan)
Author note:
I change the person for Brandon so Maximum is like Brandon's twin so yeah hope you understand.

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