HMH|14.Secrets Are Revealed(XB)

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She cries in my chest, I walk her to the pack house. I walk her up to my room, I open the door and it was replaced with new things, all the damage I did was cleaned.

I place her gently on the bed and I watch her go to sleep. I got up and left the room, closing the door. I went to look for Michael, the old man who was talking to Melody.

He was still outside, I walk up to him. He bows down for respect "How do you know Melody?" I asked he looks up at me "I'm her uncle." He said.

I'm shock, that's her uncle. "Let's talk in my office." I said. We walk to my office, he sat down on one of the chairs. I lock the door so no one comes in.

I sat down on my chair behind my desk, "Speak." I said. He sigh "Her parents aren't humans, her father is a hybrid, half werewolf and half vampire, and her mom is a witch. And, of course hybrids don't get along with werewolves and vampires. So, when everyone found out they had a child. They wanted her because Melody would have her father's gene and half of her mother's. And, that makes her even more powerful. Her parents didn't want that, so her mother did a imprison magic to prevent her from using it. So, Melody became human cause of that. With the imprison magic, she lost her some of her memories and she only remember her parents leaving her on the streets." He said.

Wow! My mate is actually stronger than she is right now....

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