XCIX Poem Challenge--19--Blank Verse

108 5 6

Blank verse is unrhymed lines, usually following a lambic pentameter. 

Through the iron gate, I only see life

Tropical plants and exotic flowers

Intertwined for life, inseparable

Forever rooted in the dark, rich soil

They are always nourished and beloved

Cherished without the need to plead for help

On the other side, I only see death

Wilting petals among yellowing grass

Left alone, easily separated

Forever scattered in disarray

They are always malnourished and ignored

Forgotten with the need to plead for help

The obvious separation shocks me

I feel a pang in my heart and tears flow

Anguish mingling with some frustration

Barriers preventing all from leaving

If both decide to join in harmony

Then everything will change for the better

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