Hinata Shouyou

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Hinata Shouyo.
The most energetic, playful, and determined person anyone will ever meet. He is also the most psychotic and Yandere person anyone will ever meet.
He has fallen so hard for (Y/N) (L/N). Hiding his deep and passionate love from (Y/N) has been so difficult. However, (Y/N) has been so oblivious all this time. She's always ignored the glares he gives other boys, his creepy smile, his amazingly large eyes.
Today, however, is a new day.
A different day
A good day
Hinata wakes up to the deafening sound of his alarm clock. Beep beep beep be- still groggy, Hinata slowly rises from his bed. He looks to his left and smiles a bit. His beautiful shrine for senpai still stands.
"Today is the day. The day that (Y/N) becomes mine. Mine forever." Hinata thought to himself. A wild smile grew to his lips as he changed and got ready for school. After getting dressed, Hinata checked his bag for everything.
Rope- check
Duct Tape- check
Syringe- check
(Y/N)- Almost
~•~Time skip brought to you by Yamaguchi :D~•~
Hinata arrived at school just as you had. Hinata memorized the time you came to school and the time you got home. Heck he even knew where you lived. He knows your phone number, your email, every detail about you right down to your shoe size. You never noticed though. You always thought you two were close. The best of friends. You're so wrong though.
You walked up to the school at a regular pace. You weren't late for school, which to be honest, was a first. Something was always wrong in your life, but it was mostly being late for school.
"Hey! (Y/N)!" You heard someone shouting your name, only to see a bit to your left Hinata was sprinting towards you. You smiled and made a small wave. You didn't like to yell too much, nor did you like to make large scenes either. When Hinata finally caught up to you, you gave him a formal greeting.
"Hey Hinata. Whats up?"
"N..nothing much." An out-of-breath Hinata replied. "How about you?" Hinata asked with the largest smile plastered to his face. He's always smiling around you. "How about you?"
"Im at school on time, so I guess its a good day. Today's probably going to be a good day" You looked ahead and smiled to yourself, taking a deep breath of the air around you. "Yeah. A good day today."
Right next to you, though, Hinata had a psychotic smile dancing on his lips.
"A good day for both you and me." Hinata darkly mumbled.
"Hm? What'd you say?" You asked looking back at Hinata
"U-Uh Uhm n-nothin! J-just uhm....Are you doing anything after school?" Hinata dared to ask. Are you doing anything for the rest of your life Hinata thought.
"I...I don't think I am. Why, do you need me for something?" you replied snapping Hinata out of his dark thoughts.
"I just want you to meet me in the gym before volleyball practice. There's this new thing I figured out and I wanna show it to you before I surprise the team!" Of course. Hinata was always figuring out new moves and whatnot. You didn't know a thing about volleyball, and after seeing Hinata play you wanted to learn how to play too.
"Yeah sure! After practice help me receive the ball too! I want to be as good as Nishinoya!" You smiled with determination, but Hinata glared at the ground with a scowl stuck to his face.
"Yeah sure." Hinata barely managed to get the words out of his mouth without screaming with fury. "I'll make sure you're even better than Nishinoya!" It killed Hinata to say his name. His name. He'll be the first to go on the volleyball team.
~•~•~Timeskip after school brought to you by Suga :D~•~•~
You quickly made your way down to the gym where your friend, Hinata, awaited. You were pretty excited because Hinata was pretty amazing at volleyball. Not only that, but you'll get to watch the team, specifically Noya, and afterwards you get to practice! You quickened your pace as the gym came closer into your sight. Anticipation coursed through you, but at the same time an uneasy feeling was present too. Apprehensiveness. There's nothing to be afraid of though, its just you and your friend.
You arrived at the doors of the gym waiting to open them. Why were you so nervous?! Its just your friend, Hinata. You've been friends for years! It's ok. It's ok. Forcefully, you slid the door open and immediately, you were calmed when you saw your orange haired friend.
"(Y/N)..." Hinata slowly said. He absolutely adored the way your name just naturally flowed through his mouth and came off of his lips.
"Hey Hinata what's up? Ready to show me that volleyball thing? Ive been thinking about it all day!" You excitedly said, slipping off your backpack amd walking towards Hinata.
"Yeah! Im ready to show you, but it isn't volleyball. It has almost nothing to do with volleyball." Hinata took one step towards you, leaving an ominous echo throughout the gym. It made you feel extremely uneasy.
"W-what do you mean?" You stuttered getting more and more nervous.
"I just need something that's all." This time Hinata took two more steps towards you.
"Well...what do you need?" You took onestep back, leaving your foot back there in case you had to sprint.
"Just...You!" Hinata smiled psychotically as he sprinted towards you. He was so much more faster than you. You had no time to react! Hinata tackled you to the ground causing you to hit your head. Hard.
"Hinata! What are you doing?!" You yelled at Hinata as he sat on your stomach. Pain shot through your head as you yelled making you groan in pain.
"Oh nothing. Just making you mine. You see, Ive loved you for a long, long, time, (Y/N). I have loved you more than anyone ever will! I already love you more than anyone!" Hinata turned toward you and stared at you with empty eyes. Soulless eyes. He leaned in close. Your noses almost touching. "You've been so...oblivious all these years. Oblivious to my continuous love for you. Now, though, now and forever more, you will be mine. Mine. MINE! All mine." Hinata chuckled coldly. You didn't know what to do! You were so paralyzed with fear. all these years, how could you be so oblivious?! Oblivious to Hinata and his Yandere side! How could you be so stupid?
"Don't worry (Y/N) I'll take good care of you. I just hope you said goodbye to your loved ones. It'd be a shame if the last words you said to them weren't 'I Love You.' Of course, you only love me now. Enough talking though!" Hinata got up and went to his bag. He pulled out a very thick rope and some duct tape.
"H-Hinata p-please stop. Y-you're really scaring me!" Inside you were praying that this was a joke. A sick and cruel joke. However, this nightmare was far from a joke.
"Why would I joke around about love, (Y/N)?" Hinata slowly walked towards you.
"Hinata, please." You slowly slid yourself away from Hinata until you reached a wall, leaving you completely vulnerable.
"Don't struggle (Y/N). I don't want to hurt you." Hinata said as he loomed over you with the rope and duct tape. He began to tie your ankles together, but of course, you put up a bit of a fight.
"(Y/N) I said I didn't want to hurt you." He looked up to you after he finished tying your ankles together. Next he came to your hands, but this time you didn't fight. No, this time you screamed.
"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! IM BEING KIDN-" You were cut off by an extremely hard punch. You were stunned, shocked, and obviously hurt.
"(Y/N) just stop. I win." Hinata then kissed where he punched, your nose, and your lips, until he got a piece of duct tape to slap over your mouth.
"(Y/N). Be happy. You're mine." You couldn't be happy though. It's impossible to be happy now! You were terrified, shocked, confused. You couldn't help, but cry as Hinata finished your hands.
"Just one last thing..." Suddenly, Hinata pulled a syringe from his back pocket. Something you never noticed before.
"Goodnight (Y/N). I lo-" Hinata was cut off by the sound of the gym door quickly sliding open.

(To be Continued...)

A/N: So yeah! That was my very first Yandere/Haikyuu thing! There are so many parts that were references for me. Like the "what do you mean?" OOH WHEN YOU KNOD YOUR HEAD YES, BUT YOU WANNA SAY NO! Or the determined smile I thought of Undertale. Just a lot of references. I hope you enjoyed though! Next one will probably be Tobio. Everyone get ready, because these can get dark real freaking quick. But for now, I'll see you guys in the next one. STAY AWESOME!

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