Yamaguchi Tadashi II

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A/N- Ive got a lot of crap to say before staring off the second part to this horrifying chapter. First off, thanks so so SO much for 4k reads!! There will be a 4k special soon ^•^ Second, there is this real awesome person who goes by Luna-chan_ and they have this super adorable Truth or Dare Haikyuu book and they're really super freaking creative and she (Only assuming a she) gets to requests REALLY FAST. She also really made my day even though one of my chapters left her in tears woops *~* There's also another person that has a really adorable Soulmate Haikyuu book and they go by laurencf and freaking their story is so so cute it's too much. Aannddd that's it. Enjoy this very terrifying chapter because I am so not going to enjoy writing this...

Lemon Warning...?

You were paralyzed with fear. Hands and ankles bound, long arms wrapped tightly around your waist.
"Good morning love..." Purred a familiar voice. After you didn't respond, the boy just chuckled. "What's wrong...Cat got your tongue?" His hot breath prickled your ear causing you to shudder and him to chuckle.
"Y-Yamaguchi what h-happened?" You couldn't restrain yourself from stuttering. The room reeked of metallic and red lightly painted each wall in splatters. The only familiar object, other than the computer you played on last night, was a pair of black glasses with thick frames.
"Nothing bad...Nothing bad for our relationship..." He was so close to you that his lips almost brushed your ear with each word he spoke. When no response came he darkly chuckled. "Lost your words again? That's fine..." This time, instead of waiting for any response from you, he...violated your neck.
His tongue slowly moved from behind your ear down to your collarbone. From there, he began to suck and kiss on the protruding bone, at first causing you to violently blush, and then trying to push away in protest when his svelte hands ran up your curvy sides.
"Stop! Stop...doing this and answer my question properly." With these words the boy took his hands off your sides and placed them on your abdomen instead, pulling you in even closer.
"Was my answer not good enough? To be fair, I didn't completely answer your question." The freckled boy paused to chuckle and returned back to his explanation. "Fine. Tsukki came by late last night to see if he could catch some last glimpses of the game we played last night, but instead found you on the bed passed out and fast asleep with just your bra and panties on, a lovely bra if I may say, and me shirtless getting my pants back on. Lucky for me, while playing you had asked for a drink and I drugged it, so you were out and couldn't hear Tsukki quietly struggle and call for you. It was very fun seeing his expression as he slowly bled out, whimpering out your name helplessly." Now Yamaguchi began to cackle maniacally, insanity dripping from each chuckle. "Does that answer your question now?"
Silence was taken up on your end. The only thing you could do was shakily nod your head, not wanting to respond at all. This cause Yamaguchi to giggle, sending unintentional shivers up your spines.
"Good..." And so, the boy continued to invade your personal space, as if it never existed. Time after time he tried to trail his hands up to your breasts or down to your bottom, but you denied him every time. After about the sixth time of allowing no way for him to get to hold your breast, he groaned with displeasure and spoke again.
"Why do you resist me so much, (Y/N)?" This question boiled your blood over, but you managed to keep yourself at bay. "Why must you push away my feelings? Ive tried so hard to be patient with you, but all you've done is push me further and further away! What do I need to do? What do I need to do to make sure that you love me?!" At this point, Yamaguchi had slammed your body onto the bed and left mere inches between your faces. "What do I need to do?"
Teardrops fell onto you, causing you to catch your breath. He was crying, practically sobbing in front of you! What do you do..?
Ok guys, here is where we're gonna try something new...Ive read many Yandere books where the reader gets a choice, and I feel like that's a really cool freaking concept so Im gonna try it out and see how it works. If you want me to do this again, make sure ya gimme a comment or else I wont know!

Choice A- Comfort Yamaguchi
Choice B-Stay quiet
Choice C-Struggle

Choice A- Comfort Yamaguchi
"I-I don't know Yamaguchi..." You whispered, locking your (E/C) eyes with his. His lips quivered and more tears seemed to stream down his face.
"Please. Anything! I just want you to love me!" Now he really lost it. His grip on you was still like iron, but he leaned down and began sobbing into your chest.
"Uhm...Maybe..." You began to speak and the crying boy was immediately raptured, all of his attention on you. "Maybe you can untie me."
"Of course, absolutely. Anything for you!" His hands immediately undid your hands and ankles and he awaited another request. "Anything else?"
"I-I guess uhm....C-Could I just..." You were shaky. It was definitely uncertainty settling into your bones, but you had to try. "Can I leave?"
"Oh of course not! I mean I wouldn't be able to love you or protect you if you weren't here!" Well, it was worth a shot.
"O-Ok then..." You looked down in disappointment, causing the pinch setter's heart to absolutely wrench.
"O-Only outside in the front yard under my supervision..." He mumbled, immediately feeling his guilt go away.
"Great...One more thing and that's all I ask of you."
"Anything for you, my love!" His eyes beamed with hope and admiration awaiting another way to please you.
"Don't kill anyone. Or hurt anyone either! Nobody should be hurt or murdered by you..." Your eyes stayed on the male, watching his every move intently. He pondered for a moment, but eventually gave an answer.
"Ok, I can agree to that. Is that it, angel?"
"Yes, the would be all..."
"Well then," Yamaguchi's arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you to him, catching you completely off guard. "Glad you could stay, forever." He smiled and leaned in, dominating your lips with a kiss.
You were his forever.

Choice B- Stay silent
You hesitantly opened your mouth to speak, but immediately closed it when more hot tears dripped onto your cheeks. Not wanting to upset him more, you avoided his gaze and question all together.
"Please, (Y/N) answer me!" His steady stream became faster and faster, but your reluctance to speak grew more and more.
In a sudden burst of emotion, Yamaguchi's lips crashed into yours. A rough and dominant kiss where you had no choice nor any time to react. He immediately slipped in his tongue, making sure every spot of your mouth was marked as his. His lips kept moving and trying to deepen the kiss, but to no avail.
Eventually, he let up and pulled away from the long kiss, a string of saliva connecting. "Tell me..." He whimpered again through ragged breaths.
Now you were really stuck.

Choice C- Struggle
Feeling completely violated and uncomfortable, you squirmed and tried your best to reject the crying male even more.
"(Y/N) stop struggling...I don't want to hurt you either..." He mumbled while wiping freshly fallen tears.
Ignoring his request, you still moved around and attempted to escape, not daring to meet his gaze nor the fate that awaited you.
"Stop moving." He firmly said, pulling you by the ankles and towards him. "Ive done enough to restrain myself from hitting my beautiful angel, so please don't make me do it now."
In one final attempt, ignoring his warning, you tried to pop yourself out of his clutches, failing yet again. Moments later, a quick hand struck your face, ultimately causing you to stop.
"There. You need to understand that you cannot keep doing this..." His hand reached out and caressed your now red cheek. "I hate having to do this to you..."
All of your struggles seized after that. You didn't quite want to know what Yamaguchi was capable of so you left it there.
No chance of escape


A/N-Im super duper really freaking tired and exhausted so I, just gonna say STAY AWESOME

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