Kageyama Tobio II

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A/N-There's gonna be an important message at the bottom so please read that! Enjoy!
You miserably trudged next to Kageyama. Even though you knew today you would no longer feel this immense amount of pain, there was no way you could crack a single smile next to this...monster.
He took away the things you love. The people you loved. Asahi...he had only been your living boyfriend for a couple of short seconds. He died right in front you...His terrified expression was still glued into your mind. As were the lifeless faces of your friends. Hinata...his once glowing orbs were dulled and lifeless. Noya and his constant smile...heck when you saw him dead he didn't even have a mouth. Each day when a new dead body was brought to you...you couldn't bare it. Your world was once so vibrant and beautiful. Full of color. You were so free. Now, though. Now it's monotone and grey. Your freedom restricted so much that it feels like heavy chains are always shackled onto you. It's such a dark and cruel world. You've run out of reasons to be alive. That's why you plan to die today.
"I'll see you after class." You heard Kageyama plainly state. No choice in his words.
"Ok." You replied in a mumble. You walked into your class to see, yet again, none of your friends. You longed to see their bright faces and hear their beautiful voices. There was an endless need for you to see your lost ones.
You took your seat and waited for class to begin. It's not like you did anything in any of your classes. You were failing every class, but its not like your parents cared. Your parents were dead anyway. Killed by Kageyama.
You plopped your head into your head as you looked out the window. You saw your reflection for the first time in awhile. In all honesty, you looked abused, tired, depressed. The list could go on. Dark circles were visible under your eyes, you had scratches and bruises on your face, and you looked like the saddest person that ever walked the face of the earth.
"Ok class calm down." You heard your sensei call out. That was your cue to look like you were doing something. You couldn't wait until this class was over.
You couldn't wait until you were dead.
-•-•-Timeskip after school brought to you by Chara-•-•-
You slowly packed up your things and got ready for what was to come next. You almost felt happy. You heard footsteps coming towards you and immediately knew who it was.
"I told you that I have something today." You mumbled looking up to Kageyama.
"But today is our anniversary." He responded offering a hand to hold, but you refused. He ended up taking your hand anyway.
"I know." You didn't even apologize. What he considered your 'anniversary' with Kageyama was really your anniversary with Asahi, your beloved teddy bear.
"If you're not back before 6:45 tonight there will be consequences." Kageyama whispered before leaving you. You were actually quite surprised that he left you alone. Knowing this was your only chance, you hurried to one of your favorite places.
The old volleyball clubroom.
It was the one place that still held happy memories and didn't have any blood. Yet.
The clubroom was where you planned to die.You had a suicide note ready for the person who would find you after you die. It'll probably take a bit to find your dead corpse, so you had to hurry with this death.
You hurried to the room and when you arrived immediately stepped inside. You smiled for the first time in...5 months? You lost count, but its been awhile. The feeling of home and family immediately rushed back to you. The good old days...the days color was existent. Now, the world is nothing for you but a place where sadness reigns.
You took out your suicide note and knife from your bag, clutching both in one hand. This was the time. You wouldn't get another chance so you need to do it
You looked down to see the knife stuck in your stomach. This made you smile visibly, as you fell to the floor and cried tears of pain and joy. You were already slipping away from the blood loss.
Suddenly the door opened as you saw someone walk in.
"A...Asahi...?" You weakly asked. You couldn't mistake the boy walking through the door. Soon more people were walking in until they all walked in. Every person Kageyama Tobio ever killed. They all surrounded you.
Distantly, you heard someone calling your name, but you were too focused on the people surrounding you. Color began to surround you. Beautiful, vibrant colors.
"Don't say anything. You don't need to blame yourself for something that wasn't your fault." Asahi said smiling warmly at you. You obeyed, and didn't say anything.
Soon black began to surround you.
"Don't be afraid." You heard Noya call out.
You began to welcome the black knowing what was happening. Soon black engulfed your vision. A peaceful color. A reassuring color. The color that told you, you were dead.
-•-•-Meanwhile to the alive people...-•-•-
Kageyama desperately called out your name, even though he very well knew that you couldn't be saved.
"(Y/N)! Don't leave me please! (Y/N)!" Kageyama kept trying, but you were gone.
Kageyama followed you all the way here knowing that you were up to something, but he didn't expect death!
Kageyama noticed the suicide note you were gripping. He took it out and read your final words.
To anyone who isn't a Yandere,
Today is October 13 2016. My boyfriend, Asahi Azumane, died October 13 2014. He was killed by Kageyama Tobio. Kageyama may say he loves me, but he doesn't. Not in the slightest. Im dead because I had absolutely nothing left in this world. No family, friends, color, or future. So here I am. Dead. It's quite blissful now.
(Y/N) (L/N)

October 13
A day to remember.
For many people it just seems regular.
It's a death date, an anniversary, and a happy day.

A/N- and that concludes our first Kageyama Tobio yandere thing! Im gonna tell you all right now, Im bawling because suicide is not a good topic for me. Not at all. Please, if you ever think that's a resort talk to me. Talk to someone, but please, you have an entire life ahead of you! That's all I have to say for now. I hope you enjoyed! I didn't enjoy writing it lol. I apologize for its shortness, but there wasn't a lot I could add. Thanks a bunch everyone! STAY AWESOME!!

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